Chapter 20

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Valarie's pov
My relationship with Cherry is ruined,my own sister.i can't believe this,is it my fault?no,no,it's not my fault.i mean,it can't be my fault...right?well it can't be my fault because Cherry hates Ace,she's always hated Ace.but why?why does she hate Ace?they never dated,so why does she hate him?i tried to think about it that much,but I really couldn't.anyways,I was able to go to school for a while but then I couldn't anymore because of my belly and that it was getting bigger.Luckily i didn't miss any work or tests because Janine always brought them to me,she's a good friend.every time Ace came over mom and dad always treated him as part of the family,Cherry never did.

It was a normal day today as usual:mom was knitting some clothes for the baby,dad was paying the bills,and Cherry was hanging out with her idiot boyfriend Scott.meanwhile I was in my room doing the homework Janine gave me today while eating a pickle dipped in peanut butter,I was working on the last question when I suddenly heard tapping on my window.i turned around and saw Ace!he was hanging onto the tree branch of the tree near my window,I gasped and immediately got off my bed."Ace you know you could just go in through the front door right?"I scolded him as he climbed into my room,"yeah but I figured this would be more exciting."he said.

I sighed and smiled,"anyways,I really wanted to show you something that I've been working on for a's not done yet but,I just really want you to see it."he explained.i raised an eyebrow,"well now I'm curious."i said.he chuckled,"alright,I'll come with you to see it."i said.he grinned,I closed my binder and put on my shoes.we snuck down the stairs and was about to open the front door when I heard my dad say,"bring her back by 5 Ace."I blushed in embarrassment while Ace laughed."I will mr.Johnson I promise."Ace replied,I immediately opened the front door.

we walked out of my house,Ace held my hand and led me somewhere.after a couple of hours of walking we arrived at this small looking RV,I gasped and smiled.Ace knew that I've always wanted to live in an RV!he led me inside,"I know that it doesn't look that good-"I cut him off."Are you kidding?this is perfect!"I exclaimed,I gently hugged him.

Ace and Valarie{RE-EDITED}{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now