See How the Most Dangerous Thing is to Love

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TW/CW: Forced intimate contact. 

Proceed with caution.


My leg bounced hard enough to make my tray table jump with each tap. I cursed the empty bottles that danced as I tried to ignore the screaming pressure in my bladder. I looked next to me and wondered just how long I'd actually go to prison for murdering the son of bitch I was attached to. Wow. I'm definitely drunk. He'd been sound asleep this whole time, like he didn't have a care in the world, like he wasn't threatening my whole world.

I didn't even know what he wanted with me. Why wouldn't he just tell me? It's not like I could do anything from here anyway. The plane hit a bump of turbulence and I nearly peed myself. That's it, I have to go. I threw the empty bottles in his lap, along with the empty cup. I momentarily wished I hadn't finished the ice. I smiled a little at the thought of him jumping from the shock. I put my table up and unbuckled my seat belt.

As soon as the belt slacked, his eyes opened and he grabbed my wrist. "I have to pee. If you don't let me go, I swear I will piss all over you right here." I hissed at him. Ok, I am drunker than I thought. I can't believe I just said that. He grinned up at me, eyes sleepy. "I didn't know you were into that sort of thing." He taunted back at me. I couldn't help the sneer that curled my lips up over my teeth. I tried to pull free of him, but he just gripped me tighter, pulling me down until I was uncomfortably close to his face. "I'll go with you." He whispered, but it felt more like a threat than a simple statement.

I just glared at him and shook his hand free as I stepped over him. I tried to nonchalantly see if there was anyone awake as I hurried down the aisle, but my buzzed brain couldn't absorb the information. I reached the lavatory and quickly stepped in, pulling the door behind me. A hand caught the door just before it closed and pushed it back open. He just stared at me as he pushed his way in to the cramped space with me.

"You didn't actually think I'd let you go alone, did you?" he said in a low tone. He was so close to me, it made my skin crawl. "What exactly do you think I'm going to do? It's the fucking bathroom." I spat back at him. "Who said I'd thought you'd do something?" he replied, winking at me. I fought back the vomit in my throat and pushed my way past him to turn and face the toilet. "Turn the fuck around, asshole." I said over my shoulder.

He pushed up against me and I almost screamed. I slapped my hand over my mouth at the last second. He just laughed and turned around. When I was sure he was facing the other way, I blessedly relieved myself. "You should get used to this sort of thing, by the way." He said, just loud enough for me to hear over the noise of me peeing. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, but he just laughed in response and said, "I wonder." I pushed the button to flush the toilet and straightened back up.

I turned around at the same time he turned back to face me as well. I reactively backed away from him, but he just leaned closer. He reached around me, putting his hands on the edge of the sink, pinning me there. I turned my face away as far as I could the closer he came, until he had me pinned between him and the mirror. He nuzzled up against my cheek, moving then to my ear. "Yeah. I definitely think I could do it if it's you." He whispered and I shoved him, hard. He flew back, hitting his head on the bulkhead behind him.

I stood up, shocked at my own strength. He looked a bit shocked as well for a moment before he started rubbing his head. I moved towards the door, but he caught me by the throat and shoved me back against the wall. His grip was like a vice; I thought he was going to crush my throat then and there. He leaned up to my ear again as I clawed at his hand, trying desperately to get him to release me, my lungs screaming for air. "Don't get brave," he growled in my ear, "But I have to admit, I like this feisty side of you."

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