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And it never happened again. Or at least that's what the blonde thought as he kept sleeping at night with no issues, no dreams of the girl, no dreams in a field, no dreams at all.

It had been about three weeks since he had woke up in the middle of the night because of a dream with a woman in white, and he was fine with it. Except for the question he couldn't let go: why did it hurt?

It was sort of odd to feel the pain, especially in a dream. He didn't care to ask anybody else but George and Sapnap. It wasn't important to him anymore, three weeks had passed with no reoccurrences. It didn't matter anymore. It was simply a subject of the past he didn't want to think about anymore.

"Oh my god!" Clay exclaimed, watching as his character fell off of the map in Minecraft. "Fuck!"

George laughed at him, perfectly going over the spot he fell off on. "You have to jump in order to get over," he suggested, finishing the sentence with a laugh.

"I know! I was watching Sapnap do it and forgot about myself," he said, changing Nick's name to his online persona for the thousands of viewers watching them.

"Am I just that hot?" Sapnap asked, giggling.

"Oh shut up. I got distracted that's all."

"So I am just that hot?" Sapnap chided, laughing along with George.

"Whatever you want." Clay got back onto the block platform, jumping to the next platform and not missing the jump he missed before. He mentally congratulated himself, moving onto the next set of obstacles.

"How much practice does this course actually get us?" Sapnap asked, referring to the Minecraft Championship that was to take place the next day.

"Should get us some, at least. Makes it so we're not totally blindsided when the obstacle course comes up," Clay said, trying to show point for the course they were on.

The thought of talking to his friends like he would everyday but talking for hundreds of thousands of people was odd. They constantly were listening to their conversation. A once private conversation he could have between his friends was a conversation including thousands of people.

Clay smiled as he finished the obstacle course and a message on his screen congratulated him and showed his time.

"How did Dream get the worst time?" Sapnap asked. Clay heard his chair click, meaning he was leaning back in his chair.

"I fell off on the stupid glass pane thing," he defended himself. "Besides, be happy not disgusted."

"Either way you'll probably win it tomorrow. You do well under pressure," Sapnap complimented. "If I don't beat you first."

"I keep forgetting we're on different teams."

"It'll be weird. One of us are always on a team with another," George spoke, for the first time in a few minutes.

"Vacation for me," Clay chuckled. Nick cussed back, George laughing with Clay.

"George what time is it?" Sapnap asked, referring to the time difference.

"4:23 in the morning," he said, followed with a sigh.

"Oh yeah I forgot you're in British time," Sapnap chuckled. "It's only 10 pm for me."

"It's 11 for me."

"Speaking of it being 4 in the morning, I'm logging off," George said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Or later today."

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, 𝐓𝐍. dreamwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now