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TW drinking

He hadn't slept. In the past two days, he sat in his bed, staring at his ceiling as he prayed to god that he'd keep him awake for the rest of the night. Perhaps it would kill him.

Anything seemed better than waking up in a strange place again where he had no context as to where he was or what the situation was.

Now the time was later, about one in the morning and Clay sat at his desk, sipping out of an almost empty root beer can as he scrolled the Internet to look for an explanation.

Why are my dreams vivid?

He pressed search and began to read the explanations, clicking on a few websites before his discord started ringing.

He minimized from the tab and picked up George's call, putting his headset on before going back to the search engine.

"Why are you up so late? Isn't it like one your time?"

"Yeah, I just can't sleep," he said, holding back a yawn as he started reading off of one of the websites.

"Have you tried melatonin? NightQuil? Anything?"

"I don't have any."

"You want me to send some to your place? You sound miserable."

"No, I'll be okay. Thanks though."

"How are you doing otherwise?"

Clay sighed, staring at the time in the lower right corner of the screen as he thought of a way to paraphrase what he was gonna say. "I've been alright. Pretty tired everyday, little paranoid."

"How come you're paranoid?"

Here goes nothing.

"You remember that dream I told you about, the one where the girl was in the field?"

"I think so. Was this the one we had to search up?"


"Why? What about it?"

"I keep having a dream with her in it, but different locations," he explained. He waved his mouse around on the screen, moving his hands a bit.

"What's in the dreams?"

"There was one where we were in Dublin and the most recent one we were in some rich town outside of New York City."

"That's odd."

"Isn't it? She's been on my mind a lot."

Clay heard the clicking of a keyboard in his headphones, eventually stopping as George started to talk again.

"I'm reading that reoccurring dreams are ones that try to get your attention."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I dunno." George sighed, scrolling his mouse down as he continued with his reading. "Dreaming of an individual over and over has a meaning connected to the relationships in waking life, and the decisions that affect them."

"That's even more confusing than the first thing you said." Clay looked at the time again; 1:54.

"I think it's like a deep and personal connection that you have with that person. Because of that relationship you have with that person, you dream about them more frequently to solidify that relationship you have."

"I swear to god I've never met this girl in my fucking life, I have no relationship or connection to this person."

"Maybe she's an old school friend from like kindergarten you don't remember."

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, 𝐓𝐍. dreamwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now