The Tower Attack

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"Tarmon Gai'don!"

"The Last Battle is here!"

Screams of novices echoed through the halls as the White Tower shook, again and again. Balls of fire hit the walls, making them collapse. It was the Seanchan attack, just like the Mother had Dreamed.

The leashed damane fired nonstop, causing more and more damage. Nicola ran through the halls, panting. She burst through the doors of the Amrylin – the real one, not that fool Elaida – and was surprised to see that she was asleep.

How could she not have woken, Nicola thought as she ran across the room and shook her, hard. Egwene's eyes opened in surprise.

"What is it, child?"

"The Tower's being attacked!" Nicola squealed. Well, she hadn't meant to squeal, but who could keep calm in a situation like this?

Egwene could, apparently. Her face was smooth as she rose gracefully from her bed, like a queen, and to Nicola, she was.

Another blast shook the floors, shook her. Out of instinct, she cowered in the Mother's skirts, clinging to them desperately. Even the Amrylin had to steady herself on a wall.

"Oh, Light," she heard her mutter under her breath. It seemed that she was more shaken than she appeared, and that did nothing to help Nicola's fear. She looked down at her and shook her head very slowly. "Daughter, get up." Nicola obeyed. "I will protect you."

"But the forkroot- "

"I said I would protect you, daughter, and I meant it. I will do it with only a trickle of the Power, if necessary, but I will do it."

At this, Nicola stood up straight and curtsied. "Yes, Mother." Egwene's words steeled her, brought her back into the moment, into reality. She would protect her; Nicola was sure of that. Although Egwene al'Vere had not taken the Three Oaths, she kept to them as surely as though she had.

With that, the Mother glided out into the hall, the novice following behind her.

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