|| Self-respect (10/8/21) ||

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(I apologize if this isn't any good, this is my first time writing a one-shot and I'm honestly going to use this as writing practice because I desperately want to improve my writing I suck at writing, a lot. I'm not sure if this is an au or not but Nagito and Hajime are living together in an apartment building-)

Nagito wakes up one morning with his boyfriend, Hajime, by his side sleeping soundly, he looks over at the clock, it says it's 7:00 am, the normal time he wakes up, this is honestly pretty rare because Hajime always wakes up early and waits for Nagito to wake up by laying down beside him and reading, Nagito just decides to patiently wait for his boyfriend to get up. After at least 30 minutes Hajime wakes up, Nagito was just kneeling beside their bed gazing at him, Hajime blushes.

Hajime: "h-how long have you been up...?"
Nagito: "about only thirty minutes... it's strange though because you usually wake up an hour or so before me,"
Hajime: "I guess I was just tired from staying up so late yesterday,"
Nagito: "you need to stop doing that, it isn't healthy, you know how I feel about you not getting enough sleep,"
Hajime: "I'm fine though..."
Nagito: "you still don't seem to be getting enough sleep, I know I'm honestly not any better but it's getting kind of concerning,"

The conversation trails off a bit, Hajime gets up and they both get dressed and go to the kitchen, Nagito isn't allowed to cook so Hajime always makes breakfast for both of them, Nagito always getting bored waiting and going up behind Hajime and hugging him, reminding his boyfriend that he's there for him and loves him.

After Hajime finishes preparing breakfast they sit down at the table together and just enjoy each other's company, Nagito accidentally knocks over a glass of orange juice, the glass cup shatters onto the ground, Nagito covers his face with his hands.

Nagito: "I'm sorry..."
Hajime: "it's oka—"
Nagito: "I'm an idiot..."
Hajime: "No your not-"
Nagito: "why do you even love trash like me? All I ever do is make a mess of things."
Hajime: "Nagito listen to me,"

Nagito takes his hands off of his face to look at Hajime with sad eyes,

Hajime: "it's okay Nagito, you didn't mean to, and we've talked about this before, you're not an idiot, I honestly just wish you'd get that into your head already..."

Nagito doesn't say anything, instead, he just looks at the ground, at the shattered glass, sulking. Hajime stands up, carefully avoiding the shattered glass, and returns with a broom and a dustpan, he cleans up the glass then wipes up the orange juice. When he gets up he kisses Nagito on the forehead before sitting back down with him. Hajime takes Nagitos hands and just holds them,

Hajime: "seeing how badly you're beating yourself up over something as small as this is honestly painful, I know it's hard but you working on respecting yourself would honestly be a good idea, I'm saying this both because I love you and it's true."
Nagito: "scum like me shouldn't have any self-respect..."
Hajime: "you aren't scum, your my boyfriend, the love of my life, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with,"

Nagito blushes a lot at that last part, nobody's ever been as understanding and overall caring as he has to him,

Nagito: "you want to spend the rest of your life...with a worthless person such as myself? you don't mean that..."
Hajime: "of course I do."

Hajime takes Nagito's hands and holds them tighter.

Hajime: "I love you Nagito...and if you want we can work on improving ourselves together...it might be easier that way."
Nagito: "I love you too...and I'd like that..."

They both gaze at each other, after a while, they stand up to take care of their plates after their done Nagito hugs Hajime tightly and then kisses him on the cheek, Hajime's face turns bright red, Nagito smiles.

(Hello! This is my first time writing a one-shot as you can see, I'm gonna apologize again because I suck at writing and am honestly just using this as practice— I honestly hope that this isn't too corny or sappy — it's honestly too much for me to handle— I hope you enjoyed it and I hope I did a semi-decent job! Also sorry for the way I write dialogue if it bothers anyone please tell me- also could you please give me constructive criticism??)

(Hello! This is my first time writing a one-shot as you can see, I'm gonna apologize again because I suck at writing and am honestly just using this as practice— I honestly hope that this isn't too corny or sappy — it's honestly too much for me to...

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