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Vernon didn't expect for so much happiness to swell in his chest when he heard the princess had returned. Oh, what a joyous day or night as he should put it. The night sky twinkled and winked down at the running man, he somehow navigated the night without tripping or even hitting a branch as he recklessly sprinted toward Astor. He assumed it was the magic of love that lead him.

Love? Was that what it was now? Well, he didn't care what it was called because it felt wonderful. He bet she looked as beautiful as ever, he hoped he looked decent enough to be in her presence. The trip to Astor didn't feel as long as it usually did which he was grateful for, what a rush he saw the torches of the ballroom flooding out onto the cobblestone ground, turning its black blue tint into an inviting warm orange.

Vernon was about to step out into the open, away from the cover of the trees but the glistening swords of the guards who stood under the moonlight reminded him that he probably wasn't welcome. What an idiot. He was too busy imagining dancing with the princess that he didn't think to stop and think how exactly he was planning to do that. Vernon crouched in the bushes and observed the guards, the humongous door they stood in front of was wide open, there could be a chance it was an open ball but he wasn't sure. Every few minutes another guest would walk right past the guards and into the palace, perhaps he could do the same but he looked down at his worn and torn outfit compared to the nice ball gowns and tailcoats that waltzed in.

The only nice part about his outfit was his shirt that was given to him by Gavin and him of course. Maybe he should observe the guests a little closer. He creeped toward the garden and looked up at the high fence. This will probably sting.

He jumped the fence much faster this time with no observers around and yes his injury did ache a bit but for the most part he was okay and he was pretty sure all his stitches were just fine.

He ran his fingers over them just to make sure....Yes, all of them were intact. Good, great in fact. He wouldn't want to be waltzing with the princess just to realize he was bleeding all over her.

The garden was easier to find this time than his last visit for the large glass door was illuminated by the light inside. He peeked from the side to see if any one was guarding the area. No one, once again, how lucky. Vernon opened to door much more carefully this time remembering the echoey clicking sound of the door but he didn't think it would be much of a problem if he wasn't careful for he could hear the barely muffled noises of the party. Goodness, it must be packed.

His silent footsteps roamed the palace as he followed the incredibly easy noise to track as he slowly approached one of the ceiling tall doors leading to the ballroom, he hid on the side and peeking out from the doorway just enough for him to search the sea of people. It was almost as if the princess was a magnet because his eyed found her right away.

Well, he didn't need to worry about staining her dress for her gown was already a blood scarlet. How magnificent. He watched her as she danced with some other man, it was odd because they both looked incredibly sad. Had something happened? Who was he?

It didn't matter, Vernon planned to lift her spirits. He's already seen her fear and doubt, he wanted to see her smile, He wanted to see her pink lips curved upward when she sees him and not frowning with uncertainty.

Vernon had to stop himself for a moment. Goodness, he's really fallen down a hole. He wasn't even sure he had liked her and now he was yearning for something as simple as a smile. It tugged, pulled, yanked at his heart when he saw he do the smallest of movements. Once her dance was over with her despondent partner she grabbed a bon bon from a long table covered in a white cloth and brought it to her lips, she delicately grazed it with her teeth and it broke easily into her mouth. It was somehow relaxing and satisfying to watch the princess eat but the princess herself didn't looked relaxed at all.

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