Part VII - Guide

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"Who are you?" Tam narrows his eyes at her. "Were you the one who opened the hangar doors? And if so, why?"

"I am but a humble servant, of course," she says, gesturing at the maid's uniform she wears, "here to offer you help and nothing else."

"No. Who are you really?"

She smiles, dipping her head in a slight bow. "I am Yara of the Hwa Orbit. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Orbit? Isn't that one of the Star houses? Wait –" realization hits him, "– you're a Star."


Chia frowns. "But shouldn't Kaya be the Star? There's supposed to be only one, right? If you're a Star, then what about Kaya?"

"Ah," Yara says. "I see you've figured it out. You're not wrong in assuming Kaya is the Star – not exactly."

Chia's frown deepens. "Not exactly? Then –"

"I am, to be exact, the secondary star revolving around Lady Kaya – and while I may have a Starsong, I cannot grant wishes. I see glimpses of the past, the present and the future – I am her Guide, her compass on destiny's path. That is my role."

"So all of it is real," Tam says.

"Yes. It is."

"But then – what's really up there? In the sky? Does outer space even exist? All of that – the other planets, asteroids, the fact that stars are giant glowing balls of gas – are they all a lie?"

She tilts her head to the side. "These are just humanity's perception of things. And who's to say they aren't real, or that both can't exist simultaneously?"

"And what is Kaya's destiny, exactly?" Allioni interrupts.

"Her destiny is the destiny of every Star that falls to earth, as per the Pact of Adalina – to sing their Starsong, to be burnt, to serve as a wish –"

"So you're really just here to lead her to the slaughter," he mutters angrily.

"– but that is not the destiny I want for her," she finishes. "Like I said before – I am here to help."

"And why is that?" Allioni shoots back.

"Because, while I may be her Guide, I am, first and foremost, her friend. And I do not want to see her die."

"How exactly do we know we can trust you?"

"You don't," she shrugs. "All you have is my word."

A pause. Allioni, Chia and Tam trade glances.

"Fine, I'll bite," Tam sighs. "You say you want to help. I assume you already knew we were coming because you're a Guide, and that's why you opened the hangar doors for us. Correct?"

"Once again, correct."

"Then I'll also assume that you know what we're planning to do, and that you want the same thing. So tell me – do you have any idea on how to get Kaya off this godforsaken airship?"

"The beginnings of one," Yara says. "But I'll need your cooperation for it."

Another pause, longer than before.

"If it'll save Kaya, then I'm in," Chia says.

"Yeah," Allioni agrees, and Tam gives a nod.

"Very well," Yara says. "Let's get to planning then, shall we?"


"So we're all clear on what to do?" Yara asks, and the three of them nod.

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