Part X - Horizon

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"You flew," Allioni says, something like wonder in his voice. "You're flying."

"I guess I am," she laughs, genuine and bright and real. She lets go of his shoulders for a moment, drifts up higher, doing a few experimental twirls. "It feels weird," she says. "Like I've always been able to do it."

"Heyyyyy! Guyyyyyysssss!" Chia yells, bringing the plane up beside them and waving faster than a regular human being should be able to, seemingly unbothered by the fact that Kaya had spontaneously grown wings made of light.

Tam, however, does a double-take the instance he sees her, before shaking his head. "Never mind. Enough crazy stuff has already happened today – I don't want to know anymore."

"Yeah!" Chia nods enthusiastically. "Like the fact that Yara is a Star too! Did you know that, Kaya?"

"Yes," Kaya replies. "She did explain it to me somewhere around yesterday – or was it the day before?"

"I don't know," Tam says, letting out a comically large yawn. "I've lost track of time – did we really just meet you a month ago?" he frowns. "Feels like years now. Though, speaking of Yara –" he says, sparing a glance towards the spot in the distance where the airship should be, "– I hope she's alright."

"She'll be fine," Kaya says. "I think there are things a Guide can do that normal Stars can't. Something about how they aren't restricted by the spatial rules of this world..."

"True," Allioni admits. "Considering the plan she cooked up – sorry, we cooked up," he amends at Tam's insulted glare, "I think she can pretty much lie her way out of anything."

"But at any rate," Tam says, "We should probably start worrying about ourselves. We'll need to land in Dunyasha and hide the planes, since they've already seen them – and we need to get as far away as quickly as possible. Plus we need to figure out what do to from there, and where we'll go –"

"Alright, alright, we get it," Allioni says. "Lots of stuff to do. We'll leave it to you to deal with it."



Tam sniffs. "I'm carrying the team and you know it."

"Fair enough – as long as I don't need to do anything else besides fly planes."

"We're going to need to leave the planes behind, remember?"

Allioni gasps. "How dare you."

The four of them glance at each other for a frozen moment before bursting into laughter.

"We'll be fine," Chia says. "We've got each other, right?"

"Sappy," Tam says, but he's smiling anyway.

"Admit it – you are too," Allioni says.

Kaya looks towards the horizon, unable to help the grin on her face as the two of them dissolve into bickering again.

There's a whole load of problems for them to deal with, and a whole ton of people after them, but right now, it's peaceful.

Right now, they're okay.

And she has no doubt that they will be in the future as well.

After all – there's nothing that they can't do together.

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