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The group had been trudging through the forest for about an hour when Miles said:

"I don't know about you guys but I'm stopping here and I'm not getting up again for at least five hours so I can have a nap."

"Be my guest" Ben said

"But remember one of our polar bears is still unaccounted for." He added with a grin.

Without hesitation Miles stood up and followed the group who had already started to move on.

"Is it true?" Kate asked

"What is?" Ben answered.

"The polar bear thing. Are there really some left on the island?" She said, rephrasing her question.

"How should I know, I don't track them." Ben said seeming amused.


A few hours later, Kate, Claire, Lapidus, Richard, Miles, Sawyer and Ben arrived at the Dharma houses. But everything was destroyed. Most houses had been blown up or burned when the people from Charles Widmore's freighter had come to get Ben. Only one house was left, the one Ben, Sawyer, Hugo, Claire, Aaron, Miles and Locke had been hiding in that day.

Suddenly, the door of that one lonely house creaked open and out came a large figure with a huge smile on his face.

"Avalanche!" Sawyer called, smiling at Hugo, who had just come out of the house.

"I'm so happy you're all okay" Hurley replied.

"I'd be better back in any other place but here." said Miles.

"Come in" Hurley said motioning towards the door.

The survivors and Ben walked in and took a place on the chairs and couches Hugo had set up in the living room. Benjamin went into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with a bag of Dharma chips and a few sandwitches.

"You must be hungry." he said handing the food out.

"Do you know what happened?" Hugo asked.

"We were hoping you could answer that question." Kate answered.

Then she turned towards Claire and said:

"Tell him what you saw"

She briefly explained what she had seen on the plane before they had crashed.

When Claire finished talking, a silence fell over the group. No one wanted to speak after those numbers were uttered.

Finally, Sawyer broke the silence:

"So when are we leaving? Desmond isn't here so he's either dead or he found a way back."

"He was supposed to go back...but there were a few...complications." Ben said.

"What happened?" Kate asked.

"We tried to send him back but when we did, your plane crashed." Hugo blurted out trying to avoid Sawyer's gaze.

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