{three; gemma and opie}

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Inside the Morrow household, Gemma was making lunch to take to the boys at Teller-Morrow, when a knock interrupted her routine. 

She walked to the door, opening it without looking to see who it was. 

She almost fell back when she took in the sight of Emily Winston, being held up by Happy Lowman. 

"What the hell happened?" Gemma demanded as she ushered the man into the house and made him follow her to a guest room. 

"I'm not really sure, ma," He replied as he put the young woman down on the bed, "All I know is that Piney, Jax, and Chibs went to check on her and she came back like this and Piney pulled that boyfriend of hers into the garage." 

The anger in Gemma's eyes made him regret telling her that. 

"I'll kill that son of a bitch," She said as walked out of the room and headed towards her purse. 

"Ma," He called after her, "Opie and Piney will handle it." 

Gemma took a deep breath and nodded. 

"You're right, I'll look after her, you head on back," She said as she patted his arm and returned back to the bedroom, and she saw that Em was awake. 

She gently sit on the bed and grabbed the blonde haired girl's hand. 

"What happened, sweetheart?" Gemma asked the girl she had helped raise. 

"I came home late," Gemma watched as Emily looked at anywhere but her when she answered, "He was drinking, and he was angry. I didn't notice he was angry until he asked about dinner, and I told him to make his own." 

"Is that when he hit you?" Gemma asked as she rubbed her thumb across the back of the girl's hand she was holding, trying to sooth her. 

"Yeah, he just... he just came after me, I had no time to react," She answered then she smirked a little bit, "But once he left an opening, I punched him in the nose. Pretty sure I broke it." 

"That's my girl," Gemma said as she smiled, she knew Emily fought back, there's no way she wouldn't. 


Opie Winston was coming out of the garage when Happy got back to TM, and he had blood on his hands. 

He knew what Opie probably had done and he approved. 

You don't hit a woman and expect not her father or brother or both to come after you. 

"You good, brother?" Jax asked Opie as he came over to him, and Opie just nodded, before looking at Happy. 

"She with Gemma?" As Opie asked, Happy nodded, confirming where the man's sister was. 

Opie walked off and to his bike, it didn't take a genius to know where he was going. 

He was going to see his sister. 


When Opie entered the house, she immediately caught sight of Gemma, making tea in the kitchen. 

She barely acknowledged him as he walked past her and towards the bedrooms. 

He quickly found the one his sister was in. 

"Ope," She greeted him as he walked in and sat on her bed. He reached out and grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 

She smiled softly at him and then she looked down at his hands and gasped. 

"Opie, your hands, they're all bloody," She said as she looked up at him with panic in her eyes, she thought it was his. 

"It's not mine," He said as he looked at his other hand, the one he used to beat the man senseless before their father put a bullet into the man's head. 

"Where...where is he?" When his sister asked that, he put on a stoic face before he answered. 

"Being taken out into the woods," When Opie said that, she knew immediately what he meant. 

Rylan was dead. 


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