{two: baby girl}

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Laying on the bed, was Emily, she was tied to the bed with chains, they looked as though they were digging into skin, and she only had on her panties, and her face... oh god, her face...-

Her body was also littered in what looked like handprint bruises, and it looked as though she hasn't showered in days

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Her body was also littered in what looked like handprint bruises, and it looked as though she hasn't showered in days.

"Jax, get her out of those chains," Piney hurriedly ordered the younger man.

"Baby girl, you're okay now," Jax said as he unchained her and he quickly took his flannel off and helped her put it on.

"Put these on, baby girl," Piney said as he handed her a pair of black shorts that were sitting on the end of the bed.

Jax helped her get them on.

"Chibs, put that motherfucker in my car," Piney called out to the Irishman in the living room.

"I will," Chibs called back and they heard Rylan protesting as he was directed outside.


Once they got her outside, Jax asked her a simple question.

"Do you want to ride with me or your dad?" Emily looked at her dad's car and saw Rylan sitting there and she clung to Jax.

"You," It broke their hearts.

Emily was always a very determined, stubborn, and loving girl.


When they arrived at the clubhouse, everyone was outside, waiting.

They were all told that Emily was found, but they had no idea what was awaiting them.

As she walked over, her face was down and her hair was covering her face.

They could see the chain marks on her ankles, and the hand prints on her thighs.

"What happened?" Clay asked as he looked at Jax, who was holding Emily close to him, so she wouldn't fall.

"Em?" It was Opie. Emily immediately flung herself into his arms and she about fell as she rushed to him.

"Opie," She cried as she clung to his cut.

"Let me see," His voice was gentle as he placed his huge hands on her head and when her head came up, the anger on his face, it terrified her.

"Ope?" She questioned as he stormed over to his dad, and she stumbled.

She about fell, but luckily, Happy Lowman quickly came to her side and picked her up bridal style.

"Where do you want me to put her?" Happy asked as he looked at Clay.

"Take her to Gemma, she's at the house," Clay said as he looked at the van, and Happy nodded.


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