{one: where is Em?}

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Emily Rose Winston was always a very welcomed person in the clubhouse. She always brought cupcakes and donuts to the boys.

But lately she hasn't been coming and the shop has been closed.

Even people who don't know the boys personally came to express their concerns.

And then one little old lady in particular gets their attention.


The little old lady is named Darla Vincent, a widow of a veteran, who stops by the bakery every morning to get 2 bagels with strawberry cream on them.

Most of the guys know her, because her husband was friends with Piney Winston.

She came into the clubhouse, with her little purse clutched to her chest.

She looks like this-

"Darla, sweetheart, what's wrong?" It was Piney who addressed her first

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"Darla, sweetheart, what's wrong?" It was Piney who addressed her first.

She walked over to the bar where most of the boys were, her purse still clutched to her chest.

"I went to Em's shop to get my bagels and it's the fourth time this week in a row she hasn't been there. I was hoping that she was here and that she was fine. I'm worried about her," Her little voice was filled with worry as she looked at Piney, who was Em's father.

"I'll go over to her apartment and see if she's okay, alright? You just stay safe now, okay?" Piney told the little lady as he kissed her head and guided her outside to her white Volvo. 


Back inside the clubhouse, Chibs and Jax looked at each other and both walked outside, and they told Half-Sack to tell Clay that they went with Piney to check on Emily.

"We'll ride with you, Piney, just in case," Jax said as they all mounted the bikes.

They all knew where Em and Rylan lived, it was in a shitty part of Charming, and it was known for home invasions. That made Piney kinda worries, but he also knew his daughter could handle herself.

When they arrived they saw Em's hummer sitting outside, so they immediately just starting thinking that maybe she's sick?

When they knocked on the door, Rylan answered and it looked like his nose was broken, and when they saw him, they put things together and they pushed through the door and Chibs trained a gun on Rylan as of daring him to come closer.

"Em? Darlin', you in here?" Piney called out to his daughter as he walked farther into the apartment, and then a whimper came from the bedroom.

When Jax went to open the door, it was locked.

"Emily, you near the door?" Jax asked the girl and he heard a mumble that sounded like 'no', so he went ahead and took out his gun and blew the lock off.

What was waiting behind the door, was something that didn't happen to family members of the club.


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