Chapter 6

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You're walking out of school. Weird, you haven't seen Peter all day.

"Happy!" You scream, walking down

"Y/N!" You and Happy have been getting along pretty well. You got on the car, grab your phone from your back pocket, and check your notifications

*Y/N Y/L/N you have received a grade of 68/70 on your algebra test*

*Y/N Y/L/N you have received a grade of 70/70 on your Spanish test*

*Y/N Y/L/N you have received a grade of 67/70 on your German test*

You look at the notifications on your phone, shocked. Your school has a app to see your scores/grades

"HAPPY" you says exited looking at your phone

"I GOT GOOD SCORES ON MY TESTS FOR ONCE IN LIFE" You scream, it's kinda exiting. Those were the three more important tests all year

"Congrats Y/N!" He says giving you a smile, you can see him trough the mirror

You arrive home, rushing in you go straight to the elevator. At least your backpack wasn't heavy


The doors open, you see Loki getting a cup of whatever he was drinking and run towards him. He turns and looks at you in shock. You hug him, without saying anything before you do. He just stands there, but not pulling away

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" You says, still holding him tightly. He looks down at you

"Why's that?" He asks. You pull back and stare at him, like how does he not know what you're talking about?

"For helping me study. If it wasn't for you I'd have not gotten a good grade on my tests" you say, taking a step back. He's tall. Too tall

"It was my pleasure" Loki takes a step closer from you. You both make eye contact with not even noticing. You're starting into those beautiful emerald green eyes. Suddenly, you break eye contact looking around. Embarrassed. Blushing

"I forgot got to get your lunch!" Grabbing you backpack from the floor and walking down to the elevator

"It's ok, I wasn't thinking on eating today" He says, still standing in the same place he was, only watching your actions

"B- but Loki" you say, taking steps toward him only a arm length away

"You have to eat some food, you can't stay like this all day" Worried. You're worried for him. How?

"Go downstairs Y/N and eat something. You haven't eaten anything all day. Go out. Celebrate yourself for doing good on your tests" After he finishes talking he walks to his room. He looks a bit sad. Why? Why would he be sad after your exciting news? I mean you did it because of him. If it wasn't for him you'd have probably failed

*At the living room*

You see Tony talking with another guy

"Tony" you say, shyly. You didn't wanted to interrupt their conversation

Both man look at you "What's up Y/N? Hey, I want you to meet Bruce. You know, the big green guy" Tony laughs. Bruce give an awkward laugh

"Hey Bruce... umm, can I talk to you for a sec?" Embarrassing

"Sure. Wait for me in the lab Banner" he says, walking towards you

"So? Spit it out, squirt" you look up at him. How can you say this?

"Hmmm, Tony why don't you just let Loki out? I mean... like let him have his room in the same hallways as us, let him go out, give him new clothes-"

"Y/N, you know what you're asking for here? Letting him out it would be like signing our death certificate" he says, putting both hands on your shoulders

"But Tony! He's been a great person this past days, he has helped me study and because of him my grades are better. Come on Tony. Let's do something, if it goes wrong he'll go back in" you says giving thumbs ups

"Ugh... alright, but he can't go out unless someone else goes with him, someone from the tower" Tony gets a phone call and leaves. Leaving you alone, you rush to Loki's quarters

"Lokes, you're welcome. You're free to go. You're gonna have a room like the rest of us and you're gonna be able to go out unless someone else goes with you" he was sitting on a couch, he just looks up at you as if you're crazy. Well... you know that

"Pardon?" He says. You where talking too quickly he barely heard you

"Loki, you're finally getting out of here, well-" you walk towards him as he looks at you walk up to him

Silence. You both stay in silence. Why aren't you both talking? Did you say something wrong?

You hear the elevator doors open, you turn and see Tony walking out

"Reindeer games, follow me you're getting a new room but first put this on" he looks at you but doesn't say anything. Tony hands Loki... a silver bracelet?

"This'll provide to using your magic, only when I let you to" Tony puts the bracelet looking thing on Loki's wrist

"See? I told you" you look at Loki, while he's still in shock

"Thank you" he says. But he looks sad. Why? What happened? You only stare at him. They both leave, all you do is just look around and give a heavy sigh. You land your ayes on your computer, opened, on the floor. You pick it up and and see it's on Gmail. What? You see a message from Timothy your 'boyfriend' it was sent... last night? But it looks like you read it. Hmm. You probably forgot your computer here last night. Oh no, probably that's why Loki didn't wanted to talk to you this morning nor right now. Is he invading my privacy?

You go downstairs and you find Tony sitting at the dining table but not by himself, but with Thor, Bruce and a woman with red hair and two other man

"Y/N!" calls out Tony "Hey, this are the rest of the Avengers. Nat, Capsicle, and the bird brain" he says

"I'm Natasha call me Nat" The woman says giving you a kind smile. The other man just stares at Tony with a 'I'm gonna kill you Stark' look on his eyes

"I'm Clint, don't listen to him" Clint says, sitting next to Natasha

"Steve Rogers, pleasure to meet you" Steve shakes your hand 

"I am-"

"Y/N, they already know. Actually they know everything already" Tony cuts you off

Damn you Stark

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