Chapter 19

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Betty comes running at you "Y/N! I found you! Come on" she grabs you by your wrist and goes on running

•Loki POV•

We were both sitting on a large couch just making eye contact and smiling. Smiling like I've never had. Interrupting, her friend comes running towards us and takes Y/N, without sayings a word

I snapped back from... whatever that was. Wait, was I smiling like an idiot this whole time. Oh no, what is wrong with me?

I still can't get out of my head that she kissed me without hesitation, and every moment I remember, I smile. I smile like it's happening again, this has probably been the best night of my life. What?! No Loki, you can't think that way

She's a mortal, someone from Midgard. I- I can't feel whatever this feeling is, and now that I think about I've never felt this way, specially for someone I barely know. Well, not barely Y/N has been really close to me

But what if one bad decision destroys all that, all the fun moments, all the laughs, all the secrets, everything. I don't want to lose her, she's the only person that I've ever trusted. The only person that has trusted me, not once but all the time

•Writers POV•

You're with Mj and Betty in y'all's room. Can't believe all she wanted is to tell you is if she can borrow your shoes because it matches more with her dress. Now it's only you and Mj, you're scrolling through Instagram and than remember you left Loki

But now you can't go because flash snitched on y'all just because he got caught sneaking out, you decide to text him

Thank goodness you bought him a phone


"Hahahahaha, no!" You laugh because Loki was tickling you

"I'm taking you phone shopping, you need something to distracted yourself with" you said sitting up

"I don't need one" he says sitting up from your bed

"Yes, yes you do" you say. And finally you went to buy a phone for him and than you went to the store and bought candy, lots of candy

Back home

You're both in your room again, sitting on your bed

"What are you doing?" asked Loki, you could feel him looking at you

"These" You put his phone up and showed him

"..." you could see his confusion

"My phone number! Now you can call me or text me whenever you want, you won't bother" you said smiling

End of flashbacks

You smile at the beautiful memories and start texting him

Hey, I'm sorry I left you there but I can't go back. Just in case you wonder I'm in my room. 😊 -Y/N

He replied quickly

Ohh, it's ok. I'm also in my room now -Loki

You know, it was really fun today. Thanks for being there with me -Y/N

No, thank you. I really don't know how to thank you for all you've done for me and with me, all the fun time, everything -Loki

You're my favorite person in the world, I wish I could keep texting but I have to go. Good night-Y/N

Good night. Sweet dreams -Loki

Ahhhhhh, he's the best

You wish you could keep texting but can't Mr. Harrington came in y'all's room and said that it was too late and go to sleep or he'll take your phones blah blah blah blah blah

Three days later

You're eating breakfast in a table of two, just Loki and you. Still can't believe but today is the last day, you're going back when everybody is done eating

Ready with all the bags outside trying to get them on the boat

"Everybody can you all please get in and look here. Let's take a last picture" Mr. Harrington said getting his camera ready

Everybody looks back and gets ready for the picture, you stand beside Loki and everybody is smiling and with their arms on the shoulders of the person standing beside them. Loki. Loki put his arm around your waist and smiles for the picture

You try to hide your smile but pretend like nothing happened but deep down you you're happy, confused and every feeling is just everywhere

Loki looks down at you but doesn't move, he smiles and looks back up

Picture taken

Going on the boat... Loki is sitting beside you, as always. The boat makes a very bad move and rapidly Loki wraps his arm around your waist. You both look at each other

"The sea is a little mad today, isn't it?" He asks looking down at you but still with his chin up

"I'm not pregnant, I swear" you say out of nowhere

"What?" Loki moves his head back but doesn't let go off you

"Well, you know. When a pregnant woman goes in the sea is like the sea gets mad, something like that" You say trying to back yourself

"Alright" Loki says slowly confused but doesn't argue

~Skip to when you're in the airport~

"Everybody knows who they're going to sit with? Because last time some where mad with me. I don't know why" Mr. Harrington says. He looks around to make sure everybody's there and... yes, good to go

Walking inside the airplane Loki goes first, he takes the bags and all that. You stay behind because you want to tell something to Peter. When you walk to your seat you see the girl that was flirting with Loki on the bus last time

She had Loki sitting by the window, but goodness she had him so frustrated, you can tell

"Hey Loki-! Umm, never mind" You say pretending that you didn't know that girl was sitting with him

"What?! What happened?" He asks quickly, happy?

"Nothing, I'll tell you when we get back to New York" You start walking to an empty seat. And wow, beside Flash

"Y/N, what brings you here?" He says looking at you up and down

"Umm, can't I see my favorite boy in the world?" You say

"Yeah, I don't buy that"

"I don't either" you say acting normal

You stay quiet and than feel a hand on yours, you look up and see Loki looking down at you


1045 Words

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