Chapter 17

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Finally! You're finally in the island. Getting off the boat Loki offers you his hand... again. Which you took... again. You both take the suit cases and walk to the hotel

"WOW" you say looking around

"I know we just got here but... I wanna stay here" you hear Ned stand beside you

All set up in the rooms. This time Mj, Betty and you are sharing a room, thank goodness it was very big because she had like twenty bags.

She's dating Ned so it felt like a rehelsal dinner, girls in a place and boys in the other but the fact that the two girls are dating your two friends and at that point you really felt like Loki was your boyfriend. I wonder what he's doing

"Woo!" You hear shouts running down the hallway "We're going swimming everybody!" It's was Flash knocking on the doors

"Yes!" Says Betty exited

You walk out the room and see every single student running to the water, except for one you look back and see Loki standing there just how you were

"Why aren't you going with them?" Loki asks taking two steps closer

"I- I don't like the beach" you look away. He walks closer

"You're lying" He says

"Why would you say that?" You ask taking a step towards him

"Don't you know who you're talking to?" Loki asks with a grin on his face

"Right" you give a sad smile

"Be honest, why don't you go have some fun? I know you wan to" Now he's closer, he's just, what? One step away from you

"I- I don't... feel comfortable wearing bikinis, I'm too..." You look down with a sad face, honestly you don't like talking about it

"Insecure?" Loki finishes the sentence for you

You nod

He softly puts his hand under your chin and makes you look up at him

"Darling, haven't you seen the goddess of Aphrodite?" He asks you looking deeply in your eyes

"No" you say almost in a whisper he almost couldn't catch it

"No" you say almost in a whisper he almost couldn't catch it

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(Just in case you haven't seen it)

"You have to remind me to take you to a museum" he says making you smile. "Now go put on a swimming clothes we're going to the water" he lets go of you and you change into one of those bathing suit Natasha and you bought. It was a black one with flowers opened in the back. To not feel too uncomfortable you put on short shorts on. That's more like it

You're outside, everybody's swimming and you're just laying on the sand " I thought you liked the water" you open your eyes and see Loki standing beside you

"Yeah, well right now..." Loki gives you his hand to help you stand up and you take it. "Ought, Loki I don't want to-" you can't finish your sentence when suddenly Loki picks you up and starts running to the water


"Sorry! But if I didn't do it you wouldn't go!"

(Dear reader, DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY THAT YOU WILL BRAKE HIM OR SAY SOMETHING AGAINST YOU. You're beautiful and special, don't let anyone make you think otherwise. Ily. So does Loki 👀)

You're now in the water where they can only see your head. Loki. Well, Loki has to bend down so he can be at you height. Looking at his green ones you two can't stop making eye contact. Until you realize, you look away

"The water is cristal clear" you say looking at your hands

"Y- Yeah! Very... beautiful" He looks down and looks back up at you

Swimming and playing with Loki the sun is setting down. Finally Loki and you get out the water, wrapping yourself in your towel

"Y/N!" You hear someone call. You turn and see Peter with a hand in the air telling you to go where he's at

They made a bonfire! Everybody was sitting around it. The couples look so cute and a girl was playing the guitar. Loki sat in the only open space, you look around and quickly go sit between his legs

"I belong with you, you belong with me
You're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me
You're my sweetheart
Love, we need it now
Let's hope for some
'Cause, oh, we're bleedin' out
I belong with you, you belong with me
You're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me
You're my sweet
(Hey)" You all finish singing and start clapping. Loki had his arms around you but neither of you both realized until it was time to go back inside

You're in your room (already took a shower) now you're fixing your hair

"Y/N, you and Loki are such a cute couple, like I've never seen two people so in love" Betty speaks up

"I- Loki and a I aren't... we're not a couple" you say nervously

"Oh! I- I'm sorry, it's just that... you two look like you're actually in a relationship, but if you say so" she says going back to bed

You smile and get under your sheets. Do we? Do we look like we're in a relationship? Overthinking until you fall into a deep sleep

~Next Morning~

You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing, you don't open your eyes, answer and put the phone on your ear

"Hello?" You say. You hate talking in the mornings

"Y/N! It's Nat, how is it going?" She asks. You open your eyes, sit up, and look around. Nobody's in here

"Nat! Hey! Umm... it's been great, having lots of fun" You can't think of anything

"I just wanted to call if you're okay and you know... making sure" She gives you a little laugh

"Well, that's all I wanted to know. Have fun! I have to go! By-"

W-What? That was fast? You brush your teeth and head to the restaurant in the hotel

As soon as you walk in you see everybody sitting. They all stare at you. What? Do I have something on my face? Mind you alls business

You try to find a seat but can't, soon enough someone hold your hand, you look down and turn.... it was Loki

"Come" Is all he says. You smile and walk with him, still holding your hand. You're not gonna argue though. Why would you?


1072 Words

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