a disastrous field ♪

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I glanced around, keeping up the stoic facade but honestly, still getting worked up and internally screaming in agony, an unreasonable amount of questions raced through my head as if I'm gonna jump to the sea and drown myself instead, shrugging off that thought, my eyes wandered around the area, looking at every inch of my surroundings, watching waves crash down into the surface, as a little spark from the sky shined through, enough to blind me if i looked any longer

the leaves of the trees swishing out from the strong, fresh breeze, resulting to a coconut falling into the bush, letting out a rather weird noise, how the sunlight softly caressed my skin, oddly enough, it felt comfortably warm.. 

it feels like a blanket embracing me, gesturing me to keep sleeping.. 

'wait! hold on— what the hell!? why did we suddenly land into the beach!? thats impossible!' i snapped out my thoughts, a click inside my mind as i finally processed the quick transformation of the scenery 

it was truly impossible... everything feels so quick, this all feels like I'm in a game or something... 


the brunette guy broke through the confusing silence, as he let out a loud "huh!?", finally registering his thoughts and surroundings, as he looked around everywhere in pure confusion 

well, that snapped everyone's confusing looks, as they all yelped a little, a few getting freaked out and stood up to check if they're still sane or not

"what the hell is this!?" the brunette yelled out in both displeasure and fear

"um..." the tiny guy with the weird haircut started to mumble, then realizing this is actually a real trapped situation, he combed through his hair with a nervous look and snapped into a frightened look, "Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-!?" he stumbled out repeatedly, visibly starting to sweat, everyone froze, their minds blanked into a dead end 

"h.. hey usami— how can you-" i mumbled out, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, a little frustrated i can't process my situation, but of course, before i could breathe my sentence out, an interruption cut through my words, "th—this is a joke... right!?" he cried out, gripping down his beanie again with a teary look

I was questioning myself about that issue aswell, but, just blank. this isn't possibly natural... should i start punching myself to wake up from this?? 

"what the hell is this—!? how did everything just—" 

"w-where are we!?" a girl with colorful bangs whined out, her mouth agaped in disbelief, everyone panicking, they all start to question everything towards usami, starting to look a little pale from the overwhelming change 

"e-everyone! calm down!" usami yelled out, frowning upon the sight of chaos, as everyone stopped and stare directly towards it, "no need to panic! seeee~! look around!" usami said, putting her paw up to the air 

this scenery is mesmerizing... but it's not when you're stuck HERE with strangers and a talking stuffed rabbit!

"feast your eyes to the beautiful ocean... it's like your heart is being washed clean, isn't it? It washes away eveerrything... even the bad things..." usami reassured with a rather feathery voice

 seriously, good effort, but how is that reassuring??? 

"h-hold on! where in the world are we?! give us the details!" a girl with red piercing eyes shouted out, glaring at it with hostility 

"where? it's obviously... out where it's wetter! out where it's better!... out in the sea~!" she beamed delightfully, giggling a little through her sentence 

⌫ 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝... (SDR2 X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now