strange-r danger ♪

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"hello." an unfamiliar raspy voice called out from behind

"agh—!" i flinched slightly, yelping a bit as i quickly turned around my left (<—) with a frightened expression featuring furrowed eyebrows in concern, who the—

oh. It's the pale guy. was he here this whole time? how come I didn't hear him behind me? 

"ah! i'm sorry! did I scare you?" he sheepishly asked, his eyes signaling a sign of concern, visibly startled by my jumpy reaction, as i looked up at him in disbelief, "h—huh? oh— uh— yes...? I mean, i wasn't aware somebody was still here.." I mumbled out, my gaze wandering around left and right nervously, engaging in social interactions? yeah, I'd rather kill myself. 

not that he's weird or anything, just... am I really supposed to act normal after all of that? you gotta be kidding me.

"ahh, how im extremely sorry for scaring you... I'm at fault, of course I'm aware that a worthless piece of trash like me wouldn't be noticed around here, not that im blaming you or anything.." he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with an apologetic smile

I blinked a few times in confusion, I have never seen anyone humiliating themselves that fast, let alone insulting himself twice..

"uh.. it's really not a big deal! also, did you just call yourself a worthless piece of trash?" i mumbled out, deadpanning a little, i can tell this guy has low self esteem, alright.. not that it's bad, but his negativity stands out in a way

"ah yes, you must be embarrassed talking with a useless breathing garbage like me.. " he let out a tiring sigh, seemingly exhausted with himself, as he suddenly sat down besides me with a frowned face, his gloomy behavior starting to get way more visible

I sighed a little, giving him a small smile, i don't wanna deal with this, but pessimistic people piss me off, what's worse is that he's saying this the first time we're interacting.. but whatever, I have nothing to do either ways, as i gently placed my palm on his shoulder, a slight gesture of reassurance 

he visibly jumped a little from the random physical contact getting iniated, his gaze looking towards me in suprise, featuring a little of confusion

"this sounds corny from a stranger, but.. let's not talk about yourself that negatively, okay? you're a decent human being and your existence have a reason, one way or another" i mumbled out quietly, patting his shoulder uncomfortably, "if youre existence was useless, you would've been dead by now? not reassuring but, there's people out there who's glad you're alive" i finished off, internally cursing at myself for saying something absolutely embarrassing, especially to a classmate I'm not familiar with 

but what makes it more awkward, his attention was still glued to my face, his eyes shining slightly as he hummed rhythmically, oddly pleased yet weirded out to hear the words that came out of my mouth, a small amount of pinkish color dusted over his cheeks, he definitely looked embarrassed 

"..sorry if that was weird, but, you get my point.. I hope." i murmured the last part, getting embarrassed by my own actions 

"no, no, that's the first time anyone has ever complimented me.. not even my own mother! i don't deserve such great kindness you have... ah, how inspirational you are to a freak like me.." he let out a delighted sigh, glancing towards me with a small infatuated smile on his face, a spontaneous gesture

I let out a little 'ah', I have no clue what kind of response I should give back, "uhm, yeah, anyways... would you mind helping me out with this guy?" I mumbled out curiously, raising a brow, taking off my hand away from him, if i have the chance to lay off the burden off my mind, I'll gladly take it

his face slightly twitched into an upset expression just for a second after I let my hand go, either ways, he hummed in response, giving a wider smile, "mhm.. i wouldn't mind helping a talented individual like you! in fact, im honored to accept such a nice offer!" he let out a grateful tone, as he crouched towards the other side of the brunette, willingly wanting to wake him up

"oh— thank you for the help then?" I muttered in confusion, shrugging off the odd feeling I'm getting from him, he's a nice guy... but he does need to fix his lack of confidence.

I poked his cheek gently, not trying to wake him up that aggressively, meanwhile the pale guy shook his arm a little too firmly.. earning a bewildered reaction from me, afterwards I focused on waking this guy up, poking him continously 

"by the way..." the pale guy spoke up once again, stealing a glimpse of my face, "by any chance... can I get your name?" he hummed out, barely tilting his head to the side in pure curiosity 

my ears perked up a little from the casual question, "ah, I'm y/n l/n, the ultimate genius! supposedly, I was supposed to be called the ultimate 'hope' thingy but because someone took it already, I received this title..." cracking a small embarrassed smile, "though I feel more comfortable with my current title than that weird sounding ultimate.."

he immediately shot back a look at me, interested at the mention of hope, his eyes sparkling in amusement

'ultimate hope!? ah.. they're such a perfect candidate for it.. truly! I feel so hopeful, looking at their face! Just when I thought I wouldn't like them any more..' a thought strucked in his mind, that much I can say, but his face gestured those sentences too well, but I'm not certain, maybe I'm just seeing things?

"really? no wonder why you're such a hopeful person! such talent and heart.. what more could this school ask?" he happily exclaimed with a smile directed towards me, his eyes wandering around my face, in which, I gave a flattered smile in return, my hand switching to the brunette's head, poking it a little more

"you know how to flatter people, alright.."

⌫ 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝... (SDR2 X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now