chapter 4(read the chapter till last it is important)

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After their encounter the whole day went normal and they departed to their respective homes.

A week passed with a little bit of teasing, sidneet tom and Jerry fight and those boring lectures. They all were at the canteen making programs for the weekend.

Jai: This weekend is going to be boring. We don't have anything to do.

Reem: Yeah!

Vaishu: We should go to club what do you think? ( She said excitedly)

Abhi and Sid: No guys, Every weekend we go to a club.

Avu: What about a sleepover at our mansion?

Everyone : Ok done.

After coming home

Vaishu: Avu I think we should take a nap as there's a lot of time left. They will come in the evening and it's 2pm

(but vaishu did not get any answer so she whirled back and saw that avu was already sleeping on the couch)

Vaishu: Pagal ladki couch pe hi so gayi

In the evening in Avu's mansion

Vaishu: Avu,  wake up! they will be coming here at any moment and you are still sleeping. Wake up sleepyhead.

Avu didn't even move so she thought to prank her

Vaishu: Avu, Sid is here!  Wake up

She woke up with a jerk

Avu: What! What is he doing here?

(she looked around to see him but didn't find anyone then she  looked at vaishu who was smirking)

Avu: Kya! Did you prank me? It's not fair. I will take revenge.  You just wait and watch (in a warning tone)

Vaishu: Ok jhansi ki Rani! You can take your revenge later. Now get ready. They are coming and what will Sid think if he sees you in this condition (vaishu smirk)

Avu: That bander will not think anything and you just think about Abhi Bhai

Vaishu redden

After their sister-talk they got ready.
After an hour

Sid's POV 🤔

We went to nakchadi's house. I must say it is beautiful. I guess Jai loves her but how it can be possible I thought Jai loves Reem but nakchadi and Jai are so close to each other and she always tells him that she loves him. Why I am thinking about that nakchadi and it's her life she can do whatever she wants but what about Reem. I should talk to Jai about this. let's see

POV ends


Guys Sid doesn't know about Jai and avu relationship because they don't talk to each other except fighting and Sid thinks that they love each other and he doesn't know that Jai proposed reem and they are in a relationship. He only knows that reem loves Jai.
Jaireem didn't tell Sid about their relationship because reem is like his sister, she wants to surprise him. She knows that he will be  very happy for her.

Back to the story.

The whole gang entered in the house welcomed by Vaishnavi because avneet was busy in grabbing the snacks for them.

Abhi: Now what we are going to do first (he asked excitedly)

Vaishu: let's go to my room. We can play something.

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