18. I Want One More Kiss

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I am trying my best to stay calm, but I am sure trembling. I think Sid reckoned my fear as I felt him squeezing my hand gently. It's been a month since I told Sid about my past and I am feeling happier and more relaxed. The way he calms me and the way my heart quakes knowing he's with me. His smile when his gaze intrigues my soul longer than usual makes me feel complete. The college has planned a trip in which only a few selected students will participate. I know "he" is also gonna be there that's why I was refusing to take part in this trip but this idiot Sid made me convinced that I will get a break from all of this and his big heart-melting puppy eyes ughh! I said yes but now I am just praying to God that either he should not be among the elected students or us.

Pov ends.

Sid: Avu,  Stop mumbling to yourself.

Avu: keep your mouth shut! I am thinking of something very important.

Sid narrowed his eye to her and crossed his arms near his chest.

Sid: What is that important thing?  How to snatch the candy floss from me.

Avu: Why would I tell you? And believe me, you will not be pleased to hear.

She said smirking at him. They are sitting on a bench in the garden where other students are filling out their forms for the trip.

Sid: oh!  Now I understand. Leave it don't tell me. I will not force you to say that you were fantasizing about me.

He kept his hand on her shoulder pulling her towards him with a never leaving smirk on his face. Avneet's eyes widened. She jerked his hand.

Avu: Oh! now listen to this. Well, I've got a plan. Abhi Bhai and vaishu di are not coming on this because Vibha aunty is taking them to her parents house and Reem's parents didn't allow her so Jai is also not coming. I was thinking when everyone from our group is not going on the trip then why should I? I can go to Chandigarh to spend this month with my parents.

Now it was her time to smirk. His eyes widened as if they would come out of their sockets.

Sid:  you are joking na! ( she didn't react)  avu you can't do this to me. What will I do on the trip if you do not come with me?

Avu: Don't worry Divya will be there to accompany you. You are not alone my poor little teddy bear.

She said pinching his cheeks to which he made a grumpy face.

Sid: Avu please na! I don't wanna go with that Divya and moreover how will I spend a whole freaking month without you. You will also get bored.

Avu was suppressing her laughter seeing the expressions that he was making. She thought to tease him more.

Avu: I will not. I can make a boyfriend. I need a partner. I can't live my whole life alone. Yeah! From the word "boyfriend", I remember what the need of finding a boyfriend, when I have Rehan. He is a nice guy. I can give him a chance.

Sid pulled her towards him and cooped her up between his arms.

Sid:  Why do you need a boyfriend? You have me na! And don't you dare to go near him. You are only mine.

He said in a stern voice. Avneet slightly pushed him and freed herself.

Avu: You are ordering me? You are forgetting that I still haven't accepted your proposal.

She said narrowing her eyes.

Sid: Whatever, but you are mine and you will not visit your parents. You are going with me. I have already filled out our forms and even submitted them.

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