"I never loved anyone the way I loved him"

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It's been two days since that incident occurred. Sidneet has been spending most of their day together completely dumping college.

Avneet Pov
During these two days, Sid truly had been very supportive and patient towards me. After seeing the part of my life that I had pushed away in the depth of my heart but still haunts me appeared to me, in front of my eyes. All the painful memories that I was trying to ignore but still pushing Sid away from me because of them, flashed in my mind. After seeing them, especially "him" my heart clenched. My feet froze on their spot and I felt like someone had hit my chest with a hammer. I couldn't understand what was happening until I collapsed on the ground. I had a panic attack.

When I woke up, my eyes searched for the only person that unknowingly became my whole world and I didn't even realize it. I was so busy pushing him away from me that I didn't realize that I Love Sid yes I love Sid. When I saw his tear-stained face, my heart skipped a beat. I didn't think or worry that "he" is here or that my gang was worried about me standing there and the person who helped me to get out of all of this Zain was there. I just wanted to embrace my love in my arms and let out all the pain that I had felt since now but I couldn't.

I felt a tug on my shoulder then I realized that I am sitting with Sid cuddled to him and I didn't know when tears started to fall down my cheeks.

Sid: Avu! Why are you crying, love? Please don't cry.

The sincerity and care in his eyes that is only meant for me made my heart flutter. I think I should tell him.

Avu: Sid I wanna tell you something about my...past

My voice cracked at the end. He rubbed my back comforting me.

Sid: if you are not comfortable don't tell. I can wait. You don't have to force yourself.

He said smiling even though I know how desperately he wants to know about my past but still he is worth g about my comfort.

Avu: No Sid, I wanna share it now. I can't hold it now. It's eating me from inside and I couldn't do anything

A sob involuntary escaped from my mouth. He nodded his head before resting my head on his chest and wrapping his arms around me ensuring that he is there with me, always.

Avu: it all started when we were in high school. I had a crush on a guy and he was my senior. My best friend was his friend so she acquainted us. Slowly we both became best friends. He became my mood and I started developing feelings for him. Everything was so new for me. It felt beautiful. Whenever I used to be with him, I started to feel confident and safe. The way he cared for me and supported me made me fall in love with him.

I stopped for a second when I felt Sid's body stiffen when I said the word love. I continue.

Avu: it was our last day so we wanted it to be remarkable. We went to the movie and then he took me to the club and we got drunk and kissed. After a few days, he proposed to me in front of the whole college to be his girlfriend. I couldn't be happier. My heart was thumping hastily against my chest. I looked into his eyes and said yes. We both started dating each other. That was the most beautiful phase of my life. He cared for me like anything. He made me feel loved and worthy of every happiness in this world. Everything was going great until my parents found out about our relationship. They forbade me to meet him or even talk with him. I never thought that my parents would ever do that to me. They locked me in my room for days but my love was still the same for him. He would call me hundred times a day to make sure that I was all right. At least, when I stopped eating my parent unlocked me. I argued with them and left from there. I shifted with him. We were so in love. I couldn't even spend a second without him. I got addicted to his presence. I never thought that I will ever love a guy to this extent that I will leave my parents only for his love. I was so in my love world that I never noticed that he was slowly going away from me. Everything was changing and he was not like before. He used to come late and left early. I was so disturbed. I tried everything but could get my love back. One day, I went to my best friend's house because he was there. We had not seen each other for hours so I wanted to surprise him. But what I saw shattered my whole world. The guy I loved more than myself, I left my parents for him the guy for whom I break all my relations with my loved ones for whom I sacrifice my self-esteem and obey him like a puppy was kissing not any ordinary girl but my best friend who was like my sister. Tears started to fall from my eyes as my heart shattered into million pieces. I was not able to believe that he could anything like this. I ran from there. He followed me. He said that he didn't realize that he never loved me it was just an attraction but I can still be his best friend. After breaking my innocent heart he gave me the reason that he loves my best friend, not me. I was just a mere crush that got over by the time. After being betrayed by my love, I couldn't hate him. I was completely in love with him. I loved him to such an extent that after seeing him kissing some other girl I fell on his feet and pleaded please I love you please don't do this. I thought that maybe he was saying like this because I never let him touch him so I just ripped my top and said to him he can touch him wherever he wants but please don't leave me. I was desperately kissing him requesting him not to leave me. But he didn't even care for my tears and pleadings. He left. I fell to my knees and cried the whole night sitting on a deserted road. I cried and cried till I fainted. I was trying to figure out what happened to him but he didn't even care. He was enjoying his life with his love. I was devastated. At least I gave up because the pain was too much for me to take in.
I...I tried to kill myself but death also betrayed me( she laughed at her fate and sid glared at her) the cut was not that deep but still I was not waking up because my will to live to be alive and my every desire was dead. I opened my eyes after a like that felt like an eternity. Vaishu di was there with me. Jay doesn't know anything about this but he knows that something happened to me in past. I was not smiling not eating just lying on the bed because my soul had died the moment I saw my love with someone else and one day he appeared in hospital. I smiled seeing his face after so many days. I thought that maybe he realized his mistake and now he is back but I was wrong. He slapped me. He said that I should accept the reality and stop this insanity. He said that he will never get back to me because he loves my best friend and I am just a friend to him. The little hope that was buried deep inside my heart was also dead. I shifted from Chandigarh to Delhi just to about everyone. Because I was not in the state to tell everyone my story. I stopped smiling and living my life like I used to then I met Zain. He helped me to get out of this mess. He treated me especially. He used to take me for a walk every day and made me complete my first year. I was recovering but he was not able to fulfil the emptiness in my heart. I was not forgetting what happened to me I was just becoming strong to bear that pain. I came here to di. And you guys made my life happy and blissful again. Siddharth you really changed me. You always supported me and cared for me but I hurt you. I know you love me and you proved that also but I have hurt you so much by pushing you just because someone from my past had hurt me. But what can I do? I am helpless. I also wanna live my life but No matter what, I'll never forget " him". How can I? I admit that he turned me into a broken soul and cheated on me. He broke me but "he" is my first love. I never loved anyone the way I loved him. Maybe he had never loved me but my love was true for him. I gave myself to him. And he called my love insanity. I never argued with him and never got angry with him because I was so in love with him that he easily manipulated me. I'm sorry Sid because everyone suffered just because of me. The day I shifted here, everyone cared for me and loved me but what did I give them in return just pain and trouble. I am such a stroke of bad luck to everyone. I am sorry

I sobbed louder on his chest. Sid couldn't hold his tears back seeing me in immense pain.

Sid: Avu please don't cry, you are not bad luck but you are a blessing to us. You are our cute little baby. We all love you and will always love you. Indeed, I can't feel the pain that you felt and the helplessness that you are feeling but I know one thing that no matter what happens, you will always be the love of life. You are a pure soul that guy was a fool to leave you but we are here with you. You don't have to hold any pain in your heart. You have me. Come to me whenever you want and share with me. I can't make you forget your pain but I can promise that I will never let you feel that pain again. I will cherish you till my last breath and love you with everything I have. Maybe I am not perfect but I will make your life perfect and beautiful. I will never let anyone hurt you and if ever I hurt you then I will myself give you a hunter to beat me until I d

I put my finger on his mouth stopping him from saying those miserable and painful words.

I hugged him and he hugged me tightly letting me take out every pain that I have in my heart.

He broke the hug after some good minutes. He wiped my tears nodding his head as a no.

Sid: Dont cry, you don't deserve these. You only deserve happiness and admiration because you are worth it. Avu you are too innocent for this cruel world and I wanna protect you from this world.

He said caressing my cheek. His eyes were shining with only the pure love and care that he had for me. He is the only guy who can make me smile in every ailment. I am so eager to confess my love to him. I encircled my arms around his torso and snuggled into his chest. He patted my head. I closed my eyes before falling into a deep slumber. The last words that I heard from him were "I love you"

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Are you guys excited for their first kiss?

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