꧁I Love You Siddharth, Only you꧂

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"Sid, please come on na! You are too heavy to drag" Ritika dragged Sid along with her to the campfire where Manjul and Avneet were sitting. Meanwhile, Sid had a bored expression on his face.

Siddharth looked at Manjul who was sitting too close to Avu for his liking.  Sid marched towards them and Ritika sat next to Manjul.

"What were you doing alone in the camp huh? Now sit, Why are you standing here like a statue?"  Avneet patted the place beside her.

"But I wanna sit here"  Siddharth pointed towards where Manjul was sitting.

" But this seat is already reserved you can sit on her right side" Manjul looked at him shaking his head in mock empathy.

"But I will sit here only" Sid sat on Manjul making him jump from his seat and he shifted towards Ritika.

"See, as simple as that, " Avu and Ritika suppressed their laughter while Manjul glared at Sid.

"Okay, what are we gonna do now? " Ritika rubbed her hands together because of the cold. Manjul handed her his scarf and she smiled at him wrapping it around her.

"You will be given one question and you have to answer, you can't back off and if you do then you have to reveal your one secret. " Avneet explained the rules and the first turn was of Ritika.

"I will ask, " Siddharth said out of the blue.

"Why? Earlier you were sitting in despair and  Now you are suddenly excited. " Manjul narrowed his eyes at him, a sly smirk was playing on his lips.

"Yeah! Manjul got a point" Avneet played along and Ritika sat there looking at them confused.

"Why are you favouring him? I didn't even want to play, you all called me if you don't like my presence, I'll quit you can play as you want" he spat folding his arms on his chest.

"Why are you acting like a rather sulky teenager whose girlfriend abandoned him? "he didn't reply instead he turned his towards the other side. " and she is not even my girlfriend yet" Siddharth mumbled under his breath and Avneet sighed.

"Okay, ask! "Siddharth's eyes glistened and his face sober. Avneet gaped at him in shock.

"Umm... Is Manjul your boyfriend? " Avneet facepalm. This was the question he was bickering for.

"No, he is not. Come on he can't be my boyfriend for years."  Siddharth pursed his lips and looked down disappointed. Ritika winked at Avneet and she shook her head silently smiling.

"Now I will ask from Manjul," Ritika said.

"Please don't ask any kind of cheesy question" Ritika rolled her eyes.

"If you were not with me, would you have married Avneet? "Siddharth's eyes shot eyes as he stared at Avneet and then Manjul.

"Of course, What do you think she left her home for me and it's no small thing, we were very serious about each other. I even gave her a promise ring. " Manjul intentionally looked into Avneet's eyes while saying all of this

Siddharth sucked on his lower lip as he tried to control himself from breaking Manjul's face.

"You could have just said yes, there was no need to tell the whole story" Siddharth leaned forward glaring at Manjul blocking him from looking at Avneet. Manila scoffed.

༺𝙄 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙈𝙚༻ (𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now