|| Dvi: Haimavati ||

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The Universe was humming in a melody of pure Joy, taking its cue from the beautiful notes that sprung from the Lotus hands of Sarasvati, as She played Her Veena by gently strumming the strings. Happiness for the Universe was arriving soon, and even in the depth of His meditation, Shiva knew well who it was, and why said happiness was wafting like the fragrance of Sati through Amarnath.

A smile alighted Shiva's face as the mula roopa of His other half who was ever with Him arose from the light that had the source as Mena's womb. She shone like molten gold, Her skin having taken the form of Her Kaalika roopa. Her Lotus petal eyes shone in Love, Compassion and Gentleness, even though those same ones looked like fury for those who followed the path of Adharma. She was the Mother of the Universe, much like He Himself was the Father, as well as the Protectress, which is very visible in the thousands of arms containing different weapons.

He knew She was encapsulated in His aura, and He in Hers, both ever the same, two halves of One. He was called Ardhanaarishvara, for She was one half of Him; Shiva and Shivaani, both the very same.

He smiled in gentle affection at the prayers of the Devas to their Mother, and blessed Her, for He could feel Her heart yearning for them. With a smile of maternal affection and a blessing of all wishes coming true for the Devas, Shivaani vanished into the womb of Mena once more, the latter's labour kickstarting immediately.

Delight filled Shiva, as She was born in the tithi that would be famous for His aaradhya Sri Rama, Her skin as dark as Her elder brother's, Her beauty outshining all beauty in the Universe, Her love for Him singing through every inch of her tiny body. He smiled, gentle, yet wide, joyful yet mysterious, a sign of all that was to come at the birth of Shivaani as Haimavati, the daughter of Himavan.

"Uma," He whispered, Her name in His baritone reverberating across the Universe, the name one that made His heart soar as if He were not a God, a name which was Sati's, and one that will be Haimavati's in the future, a name so dear to Him, much like every single name of His beloved's.

With another smile, this time tender and deep, Shiva resorted back to His meditation, knowing that Her childhood will be one filled with not just one form of Parattva, but every single form, owing to the equal views of Her parents.

Series: ShivaaniShankara series

This small shot is a part of the ShivaaniShankara series that are undergoing a revamp currently (I did say I will be doing this when I reposted this book). The idea to post OS/shots from upcoming as well as old works is one that is common between PandavaPriyaa and I, and this is a part of that.

Some inspiration was drawn from the brilliant writings of PandavaPriyaa, or rather, from her OS' concept, but this OS and the POV of this was drawn from reading the Shiva Purana.

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