Part 1

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"Levi, come on, we have to go. I have to get you to your grandmothers and I have to get to work." I said to my 11-year-old son who was wasting time doing something in his room.

"Mom, can't I stay home by myself? Why do I need to go to grandmas?" Levi asked coming out of his room and meeting me in the kitchen as I handed him some pop tarts.

"Because I don't want you home alone just yet, sorry." I said and he groaned.

"Well can't I go to Cody's house? His mom doesn't work." Levi said with an attitude.

"I'm sorry that I work Levi but I figured you would want to eat, have clothing, a roof over your head and all the other things you get to do and enjoy. Would you rather give that all up and not work?" I asked and Levi groaned.

"You are being dramatic." Levi said with an attitude as we left the house and headed out to the car.

"Levi, please stop. Listen go to your grandmothers today and while I am at work today, I will call Cody's mom and maybe work out you hanging out over there sometimes." I said and Levi nodded.

"Am I still seeing dad this weekend?" Levi asked as I drove down the road from our house.

"That's the plan. I have to call him too." I said and Levi smiled. I tried not to be rude around Levi about his father but we never got along since I got pregnant at 22, he was 23 and he left me saying he was too young to be a father and couldn't deal with it.

"Mom, if I go to dads, what are you going to do? You won't be too lonely right?" Levi asked and I huffed a laugh.

"Levi, I do have a life other than you. I have some work to do and I think Brooke might come over." I said and Levi sat and got mad.

"Aunt Brooke is coming over and I wont be there?! That's not fair!" Levi complained.

"She will be over on Saturday, we want a girls day. I will plan something with her so all 3 of us can hang out soon." I said and Levi smiled. Brooke wasn't really Levi's Aunt, nor were we even related. Brooke had been my friend since freshman year of high school when my parents moved us to a new state across country and I had to lose all my old friends. Brooke was the first one to approach me as I waited to go into school and our connection just clicked and we had been inseparable ever since.

"Also Sunday, I have a surprise for you...." I said and Levi looked at me excited as I stopped at a red light.

"What?" Levi asked excited.

"I got an advanced preview of Falcon and Winter Solider to watch the first 2 episodes. I was hoping you would want to watch with me when you get home from yours dads." I said and Levi got super excited, he loved anything Marvel.

"Of course I want to watch! Mom that's so awesome! Are you going to get to interview Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie?" Levi asked and I shrugged.

"My boss just asked me to watch the first two episodes and write a review on them. I don't always get to interview these people." I said and Levi nodded as the light turned green and I headed down the road.

"Wouldn't it be cool if you got to though. I mean come on Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie! Falcon and Winter Solider are the best characters. They are awesome!" Levi said and I gave a small laugh.

"I thought Captain America was your favorite?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Not since the Winter Solider movie mom." Levi said annoyed with me.

"Okay sorry." I said and gave a small laugh. As I pulled into the driveway to my mom's house and I sighed seeing her standing at the door waiting.

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