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High School.

Where nothing interesting ever happened.

Students went to class, teachers went on about boring lectures, students gossiped; the day went on per usual.

Jade Dixon sat at her desk in the middle of the class, leaning back and sighing in boredom. She long since finished her exam and had an hour of time left to kill. She fidgeted with her pencil, feeling a small bump to the back of her head.

She furrowed her brows and noticed a balled up paper on her desk. She turned around seeing a classmate of hers smile mischievously.

She playfully glared at the girl who smirked at her in response.  She quietly peeled the note open and read the scratchy hand writing.

'Meet me after school?'

Jade shook her head and smiled. She replied with.

''Yeah I guess, see you there. '

Referring to their usual meet up place. She balled it up and rolled it across the floor to her feet. The girl picked it up, her long flowing black hair falling in the way of her blue eyes.

She moved it aside with a simple swipe of her fingers through her scalp.

Mikaela Banes took the note and smiled. She then stared at her test as if it would answer the questions for her. I knew she was beyond lost and would more than likely flunk the test. She seems to spend more time 'chilling with the boys', who are also failing the class, than actually studying.

After a gruesomely boring hour the final bell rang. The teacher jumped from his spot and clasped his hands together.

"Alright pencils down, tests handed to me! Have a good and long weekend, remember no school Monday. Your grades will be in by Sunday evening. "

Jade handed in her test and scurried down the hall to her locker. She unlocked it with ease and stuffed her books inside, slamming it shut she walked down the corridor and out the double doors to freedom. She went down the steps of the school and towards the corner to the right. She stopped underneath a tree and leaned against its rough bark. She sighed, relived to be out of that hard desk seat and cold boring classroom for the next three days.

"Jade! "

She heard a male voice. He waved as his as he approached.

"Hey Sam." She replied. Sam was practically her brother, there was barely a time they weren't together or at one of their houses.

"So I was thinking we could chill today. Play some video games, get fat on snacks? "

"Uhh." Jade laughed and shook her head. "I can't today. "

"Uh oh. What's up? " Sam said, seeing her hesitation. She always agreed to hanging out, neither of them had lives.

Jade sighed. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder before hearing a honk come down the street. It was Sam's dad.

"I'm supposed to meet Mikaela. "

"The Mikaela?! The super hot one? "

"Yes stupid. The only Mikaela we both know. "

"No no. I don't know her. You know her. She's your friend. But god I wish I was. Talk to her for me will ya? Hook us up? "

"Sam what do I look like to you? A matchmaker? "
She laughed.

"Uhhh as my friend and family? Yes. "

He deadpanned. Jade pushed him slightly as they laughed. "Go. Your dads waiting. "

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