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Warning: this chapter goes through many flash

backs, please read carefully! Thanks!

~~~~~~<<<<<<  1 hour before >>>>>>~~~~~~

Before Ann had received the call of her granddaughter had been in the hospital, she watched as her only granddaughter was whisked away by men she knew were only there to cause trouble; she felt a fear she hadn't in many years. She feared Sam had gotten into trouble, and Jade was somehow dragged into it.

She feared where those black cars take her as they drove away, before she could even get across the street.  She recognized the men, the same men that antagonized her in her teenage years.

The same men that targeted her and her guardian back in the older days.

Ann shook her head and turned back to the house, she opened the garage and stood directly in front of the truck that only arrived there moments ago to hide away in secret.

"You. " She spoke fiercely. She pointed down the road, in the direction that Jade was taken.

"Get out there and get my granddaughter back. "

Ann spoke, glaring at the truck. At first, the truck didn't move. The nosy neighbors watching the scene unfold at Sam's house probably thought she was crazy talking; to a truck.

But this truck wasn't an ordinary truck and she knew it. She was old, but she wasn't a fool. She knew exactly who the truck was; and rather what the truck was.

"Listen to me you heaping pile of scrap, you may be my dear old friend, but I will not have Jade go through what I did. Now go get her. "

She paused, throwing her hands down. "Please. "

The truck started up, revving it's engine. Ann stood to the side, arms crossed over her chest. The head lights shot on and the truck peeled out of the drive way on its own.

Ann smiled watching the truck speed it's way down the street. "Please get her, Ironhide. "

The old woman paused. "It's good to see you again, old friend. "

Ann mumbled before going inside to await for Jade's return. She figured she'd have a lot to explain if the truck revealed itself.

She sighed and shut the garage door. Not knowing she'd spend the next few days in the hospital by Jade's side.

The truck hadn't meant to hurt her. The cybertronian warrior didn't realize the power of his strength... and he was filled with guilt.

~~~~~~<<<<<<  2 hours later >>>>>>~~~~~~

"Ironhide we have to move! We have incoming! Let's move!" Another voice had spoken towards the autobot.

Ironhide grumbled before quickly leaving the scene, watching as his medical comrade 'pulled up' to the scene as an emergency vehicle. The Autobot medic, Ratchet generated his human form and gathered the teenage girl he'd meant to protect in his arms and got her away from the scene.

Numerous other human police and ambulance vehicles arrived shortly after, and had taken care of the injured agents that had taken the children, while Ratchet had already been on his way with Jade to the nearest hospital.

Bumblebee and his human friend had been yet again captured, Optimus Prime had taken off with the others and he had no idea where to go next. Ann was going to kill him.

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