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Ironhide pulled up the the cemetery, already knowing how to get there. His holoform was behind the wheel, acting as if he had been the one to drive. He watched the teenage girl take a deep breathe before unfastening the seat belt and climbing carefully out of the truck. Ann handed her the crutches, to which she smiled lightly and rolled her eyes to, but grabbed them nonetheless. He watched as she hobbled over towards the back wall of the cemetery, where her parents laid.

He shut the truck off and exited himself, he glanced back at the older woman in the back seat. "You goin'? "

"No. No I'm going to stay here, you go with her. "

"Ann- "

"Ironhide don't. "

The man remained silent. "Don't you shut yourself out. Not like you did back then. " She spoke sternly.

Ironhide grumbled. Ann exited the truck. reached up and placed a hand on his holoform, terms and ways she knew all too well.

"Ironhide, we have known each other a long time. From the time I was Jade's age, younger even. Although you've been around a lot longer than I have, I know you better than you know yourself and you know it. I know what is running through that head of yours. This, was not your fault. Had you not stepped in when you did, they probably would've taken her to god knows where and we never would've seen her again- "

"I wouldn't let that happen. " Ironhide interrupted. Ann smiled.

"Exactly. "

"But I am still the reason why she was injured to begin with. I can't protect her. Prime needs to assign someone else. Maybe Sideswipe. Or Jazz. I cant seem to protect anyone. You almost off lines as a youngling after meeting me, the girls parents and now I'm expected to protect her? I cant. "

"No. Enough. I'm still here aren't I? You saved me that day, from the deceptions. You did that. I wouldn't be alive if not for you. Now. You're going to go out there, and watch over her, protect her. You protected me just fine. Your job now, is to do the same with Jade, as her parents are no longer with us for you to protect. "

"But her sires were my responsibility. I was to protect them and I broke my oath to you, to keep them safe. "

He said regretfully.

"That's what's this is about? Ironhide, how could you know that it was a set up? How could you know that they would be in the way of their target? That was not your fault. "

"But I was their guardian. It seems as though I'm not as good at this as Bumblebee is. "

"No. I won't hear it. Granted I hadn't expected  Sam to play a role in all this, but Bubmlebee has had previous experience prior to protecting Sam. And so do you. You were my guardian before Jade's parents and you did just fine. So blaming your experience is a load of crap. Ironhide, we're human. We are born, we live for how ever long we're supposed to, and then we die. End of story. Their passing, was not your fault, it was not the autobots fault, it was just... their time to go. Everything happened for a reason. That's what my son always said." Ann said with a sad smile.

Ironhide grunted, putting on his cold stone face before walking away from the truck. Ann leaned against said truck and sighed, memories surfacing of her younger days when she met the old weapons specialist. She smiled. It would be a story that she'd maybe get to tell Jade some day.

But not today. They'll be lucky to keep the cybertronian world a secret as long as possible. Jade losing her memory of the last 12 hours before the 'accident' was a blessing in Ann's eyes.

Now to talk to Sam. And ensure he keeps that secret.. she rubbed her scar anxiously, the scar she revived the day the deceptions threatened her life. Ann took a deep breathe and stepped back inside the truck. A story for another time perhaps.

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