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The next morning,

"Jade. "

"Yeah Sam? " She looked to him with a proud grin.

"Where- where did you find a truck like this?! "

Jade chuckled and pat the hood. "You know that old abandoned store on the corner? "

"Yeah? " Sam said knowingly. Jade nodded and leaned against the truck, motioning her head towards it.

"What- no. No way. You're messing with me. Seriously, how'd you get the truck? "

Jade shrugged with a mischievous smile. Sam deadpanned.

"Wait you're serious.  Y-you just found this there?!"

"Yep. "

"Jade! " Sam said accusingly at her. He ran his hands through his greasy hair with a scoff.

"What? You don't like the truck?! " She cried back to her friend.

"Jade, how do you know this wasn't someone's truck? What if you just preformed grand theft auto! And I'm an accomplice, well both go to prison and spend the rest of our lives as prison neighbors."

He panicked, his voice dying down to a whisper.

"Sam, relax. First of all; no plates. I checked. Second, there's no ID or anything in the truck. Just some old dog tags I found; probably from someone a long time ago. Third, the truck is hella dusty so it's been sitting there awhile man. If someone claims it and shows proof that it's theirs; I'll gladly return it to them. But for now, it's mine. "

She smiled. Sam sighed. "Okay. Okay, okay. Just don't get into trouble with this thing. Please Jade. "

"No promises. This truck is amazing. It's got some power to it. "She crossed her arms facing the truck and patting the grill.

"Jaaadddeee. " Sam complained.

"Okay okay. I won't. Happy? "

"I guess.. So I'll see you tomorrow? "

"Yeah. "

Sam walked away,  mumbling, "Can't believe she finds a truck and keeps it. I can't even manage a car!"

Jade snorted and let the trucks hood pop open. She whistled, impressed with what she discovers.

"Wow. I can't complain here, everything seems in working order. You really were a lucky find. I should play the lottery next." She chuckled.

"That's a terrible idea. " Her grandmother, Ann came from the house.

"I certainly hope you never get into gambling. It's a very dangerous, dangerous gig. "

"Grandma, you're up. " She commented walking towards her. Ann nodded.

"Indeed I am. After that scare you gave me last night I didn't sleep much. So I slept in this morning. "

Jade sighed and hugged her grandmother tight.
"I know. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Really I didn't. "

Ann smiled softly. "It's alright dear. Just let someone know next time. You know I can barely work these damn cell phones. I had to go to Sam across the street. "

Jade smiled lightly. "I know, he called me. "

Ann turned to the truck, a knowing look in her eyes that Jade questioned in her head.

"It is a nice truck though. You are right, you got lucky. Luckier then you'll ever know. "

"Yeah... yeah I did. I'm gonna do some cleaning and take it out for a drive. "

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