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"Jade! "

The teenage girl grumbled before turning over in her bed, pulling the covers over her head.

There was a soft knock on her door, she grumbled and clothed the blankets tighter. "Jade! Get yourself up and out of bed please! There's a someone here to see you..."

Her grandmother says quietly outside the door. Jade perked up at this. It was too early still for her to be up for school so it couldn't have been Sam or Mikaela, so who could possibly be here?

She opened her door to reveal her worried looking grandmother.

"Who is it? " She asked, biting back a yawn.

"I haven't the slightest clue. But they specifically asked to speak with you first. Men in suits. "

"What? Men in suits? " Jade furrowed her brows before shutting the door gently and changing into day clothes. She fixed herself up to be presentable and walked down stairs.

Sitting on the couch were two men.

At the sound of her steps coming down the stairs, they turned; placing their cups, courtesy of her grandmother, on the table. They fixed their ties in sync and the left man cleared his throat.

Just by the way he stood and the vibe he gave off Jade could tell he was in charge here.

"Miss Jade Dixon, have a seat if you will, please. "

Jade glanced to her grandmother who looked uneasy but nodded and looked down at her feet.

Something was up.

Jade knew that much. " Okay. I take it this is the part where you introduce yourselves and tell me why you're here and what's in that bag. "

She said slowly. The men nodded, the right man held up the bag and placed it on the table. "My name is Captain Orion. I work with the same division your parents work under in the forces. "

Jade felt her body go rigid. "Okay. So why are you here now, Captain Orion. Where are my parents? " She addressed.

The man on the right opened the bag, but much to Jade's annoyance she couldn't yet see what was inside.
The man was tall, very built and had a few tattoos and the most vibrant blue eyes she'd ever seen.

"This here is my partner, you may address him as Ron. He is the weapons specialist on base, he oversees all weapons training and defense. "

Captain Orion pulled out an item wrapped in a navy blue sheet. "And these, respectfully, belong to you Miss Jade Dixon. "

He knelt down to one knee and held them out. Jade took the items hesitantly, afraid to confirm what she had been thinking in her head.

"What is it..?"

"I believe it's best if you open it and us to explain. "

Jade sighed. They were dodging her questions, not giving straight answers. She turned to her grandmother, that big blue eyed Ron guy had taken her to the kitchen to speak with her right after she took the items.

And to Jade's discomfort, she looked upset.

"Okay no." She held a hand up towards her grandmother and stood. "What's going on? "

She was fed up and impatient. The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Miss Dixon, with all due respect, you get your stubbornness from your parents." He sadly smiled.

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