Broken Litter

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There's a gazelle grazing in the grass. She goes over to a stream and sniffs water. She looks around to see if danger lurk and then starts to drink. In the background, theres a little purple hair sticking out from the grass. There's a twig that snaps and the gazelle looks up, but doesnt see anything. As soon as her tongue touches the water (in slow motion), you see an African boy running with full speed and tackles the gazelle full force. They roll 3 times and the boy pins the gazelle. He's shaped as an acrobat, has melanin that glistens with cuts and bruises from his life in the wild. He sees fear in her eye so he lets her go. The gazelle leaps off but a lioness tackles it and breaks its neck. She looks at the boy and walks away with it. The boy follows in shame.

As they go to the pride, there's a male lion, 3 lioness and 2 cubs. The lioness drops the gazelle where there was a half eaten zebra. Everyone started to eat. The boy walked to the pride and brought some berries but no one ate it. He felt like the runt of the group. He couldn't eat what everyone else ate. He didn't have sharp claws and teeth. He had to work harder than all the other cats. Only thing he had was the instincts of a cat. But he loved them.
After they got done eating, the boy went by his mom. And laid on his back under her. She put her head on his stomach. He loved that.  She always made a signature sound when she comforted her boy. A lot of the other lions his age branched out on their own but he couldn't leave. He felt so attached. His brothers would wrestle him for that spot with his mom but he will always win.

One day as he was playing around with his younger brothers, everyone stopped. They heard a familiar sound. A truck was coming to capture them. They all started running.
"Hey! Over there! There's that boy who grew up with the lions!" A man said in a African accent.
"That is a Kitan! He doesn't know he's human" man 2 said.
The truck was mainly after the boy. He was running on 2 legs and easily ran 40 miles per hour.
"Wow! The little shit is fast"
When he seen that they were gaining up on him, he went on all fours and was fast as a cheetah.
"He fast! But he's not faster than a bullet" man 1 said.
Just as he was about to press the trigger the mama lioness rams into the truck and bites the guy with the arm. He screams and the boy looks back. Just then, he sees guy 2 stabs her with a dagger and she lets out a roar and scratches him in the face.
The boy lets out a yell. Something similar to a growl! He charges towards guy 2 on all fours with full speed and just then he feels a sting in his butt and he lets out a yelp. He falls. He crawls to his mama. He goes to her and put his face on her neck and she lets out her signature sound and then he goes unconscious.

He wakes up in a cage and there's a bowl of water and raw meat. He sniffs the water and then drink it. Goes to the meat and forms a disgusted look on his face.
"So you not all lion I see" a voice said.
The boy jumped into a defensive stand and let out a hiss.
"No need to be afraid Kitan. I'm trying to save you" the voice said again. The boy could smell his mother blood still and it made him nauseous.
"You're gonna need to eat something or you going to faint. Do you understand Kitan?" As he said that he stepped into the light and it was man 2 with a scratch on his face.
The boy let out a growl this time. But this was blood lust. He never been this angry before in his life.
"There's the feline in the Kitan" and then he shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer.

He woke up in a brown box with holes in it. He smelled smells he never smelled before, heard things he never heard before; his senses were going crazy. Just then the truck went in the air and the box flew off the back of the truck and bounced on to the street.
"Yo dumb dumb, there are pot holes in Chicago! Watch where ya going" a guy said but the sound of the car got further and further.

The box was slightly open from the drop. He started scratching on the box and got it open. The boy ran to a nearby underpass to hide from the rain. His leg was hurting and when he looked, it was a named branded on him. "Kitan"
He crawls into a ball and thinks about his mother. Then he starts to lick his wounds. Just then he's sees some orange shoes. As he's looking up he sees a guy with orange cargo pants on, with orange sweater, orange vest, a smile with gold canine teeth and silver tooth in the middle bottom, a tattoo of lightening bolt on the left side of his face and orange hair in a curly fro. He was brown skinned and also had brass knuckles tattooed on each of his hands. The boy jumps back in his defensive stance. The boy in orange stares for 5 seconds while still walking to him, turns his head to the side, holds his hand out and says "Hi! I'm Pulse!"

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