Chapter 37

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Enchanted Forest...

Inside Jefferson's Hat, Regina and the others go and find the refugees from the remaining realms waiting there, "I saw someone from Arendelle just now. They still had snow on their shoulders," Regina said.

"What? How far is this nightmare spreading?" Zelena asked.

"Far," They turned to see Jasmine and Aladdin stood there.

"It hit Agrabah, whatever it is," Aladdin said.

"We barely got our people out, what's going on?" Jasmine asked.

"Zelena!" Zelena turned to see Mulan, Ruby and Dorothy walking over, "What's going on?" Dorothy asked.

"Red," Mary Margaret said.

"Snow!" They hugged each other, "What's going on? Where's Blaze and Rose?" Ruby asked.

"The Black Fairy is doing it from Storybrooke, Rose and Blaze are together, cursed again but together," Mary Margaret said.

"The Black Fairy? What's she doing?" Mulan asked.

"She's attacking Emma's belief. The more she loses faith, the realms of story fade away," David said.

"We need to get back there and stop all this," Regina said.

"What about the portal we just came through, the hat?" Aladdin suggested.

"It can't make a passage to a land without magic. We need something else," Jefferson said.

"I have an idea. I mean, I think I have it. I might have a theory where to look," Killian said.

"We don't need theories," Regina said.

"So, you don't want my help?" Killian asked.

"Well, all due respect, Captain, but what we need right now is magic. And that's mine and Giselle's area. It's time we get to work and do what we best. We need to get out of this hat and back to my castle," Regina waved her hand, transporting everyone to the Dark Castle, "I don't care what kind of magic it takes, I'm getting Henry, Emma, Rose Red, Grace and Blaze back," Regina said as she walked to her chambers with Zelena and Giselle following after her.

Jefferson walked over to Killian, "Well, she might not be interested in your theory. But I am. This is about our wives, and trust me... This is my fifth time away from Rose, I don't to be forever," Jefferson said.

 This is my fifth time away from Rose, I don't to be forever," Jefferson said

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"Of course. Let's go," Killian said and they walked out of the chambers.


Henry, Grace and Blaze walked into Emma's hospital room where she was doing pull-ups on her bed frame.

Henry, Grace and Blaze walked into Emma's hospital room where she was doing pull-ups on her bed frame

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