The Beginning of the End

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"So Clary," Aline sneered her name. "You're sleeping with Sebastian now? I thought you liked Jacey-poo," she cooed raking a blood red nail down Jace's chest. He seemed oblivious to Aline and Clary's altercation busy staring down Sebastian at her side.

Clary opened her mouth to reply to Aline's snarky comment but Sebastian pulled her back by her arm whispering in her ear, "Let's just get out of here."

Clary nodded letting him tug her away looking back watching Aline wrap her arms around Jace's neck. Jace too distracted entertaining Aline to even notice her departure. Clary couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched them.

She was pushed and shoved as they crossed through the too crowded living room. The air damp with the heat radiating off of everyone's sweaty bodies, all of them packed into the small space. Sebastian led her out through the back door the cold air cooling off her over heated skin.

"So how are you liking New York, Clary?" Sebastian asked still holding her hand as he turned to face her a smile gracing his lips. She'd never really noticed how bright his rosy lips looked compared to his fair skin.

"Well I've actually been here before, I used to visit my mom over here on holiday sometimes. I've always thought it was a really nice place especially during winter. It's just beautiful, I love painting when I'm here." She said smiling thinking back to all of the days she spent sitting on a bench in Central Park her sketch book on her lap.

"Ah well there goes another thing I learned about you today, you're an artist." He said smiling leaning closer to her wrapping his arm around her waist. Clary watched him get closer and closer and started to feel slightly uncomfortable almost suffocated as Sebastian crept closer. She gave him a stiff smile in reply.

She gave a subtle step back and she saw something dark flash in his eyes but it quickly faded out replaced by confusion. "What's wrong, Clare? Did I do something wrong?"

She shook her head quickly looking at him with wide eyes, "No. Of course not, I'm just not feeling well."

Before she knew it she was pressed against the house his breath fanning across her forehead his inky hair grazing her cheeks as he leaned in close to her, she suddenly regretted coming out there with him. She'd wished she'd just stayed inside. There was something about Sebastian that was starting to feel a bit off. He gave her a slick smile, "I think I can help. I know of a few things I could do to make you feel better."

His lips seemed to be getting closer and closer to her at a rapid pace and she placed her hands to his chest ready to push him away when they heard a big crash come from the other side of the yard. A string of curses could be heard as they rushed over to see a flushed Alec and sparkly Magnus tangled in between Sebastian's patio chairs.

"It's not what it looks like I swear!" Alec blurted out falling back over as he rushed to stand up. Magnus just laid between the chairs a satisfied grin resting on his face as he watched a flustered Alec scramble his way to his feet rushing back into the house.

Sebastian burst into laughter, "Wait until everyone finds out about this! Alec Lightwood turned gay for the schools biggest fag!"

Magnus immediately shot up and jabbed a finger into Sebastian's chest, "You're not telling anyone about this!"

Clary hadn't known Magnus for a long time but she knew him being this mad and serious was something that rarely occurred.

Sebastian just swatted Magnus's hand away and replied in an amused voice, "Yes I am. And you can't do shit about it fag."

Clary gaped at Sebastian surprised at his words. Magnus eyes flashed with hurt and immediately hardened. "You can't tell anyone Sebastian. Alec's not ready for all of this," Magnus spit his green cat like eyes burning with hate and disgust.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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