What Is to Come

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"Clare Bear!" Jonathan yelled once he walked through the door spotting Clary sprawled all over the couch her mouth hanging open. He chuckled watching his little sister drool. He opened his bag and pulled out his Gold Fish crackers and walked over to her placing one in her mouth. Immediately her eyes flew open, spluttering and choking as Jonathan laughed his ass off.

"Jonathan you dick! I could've died!" Clary yelled. But immediately busted into giggles with Jon.

Jonathan went over and hugged Clary rubbing the top of her head. "Well that's what you get you goof ball. You left early today and didn't answer my calls! I was waiting for you after school and you were a no-show until Jace told me you left." At the mention of Jace Clary immediately stiffened but said nothing. "You had me worried sick Clare Bear!" Jonathan frowned and immediately Clary felt bad and hugged her brother.

"I'm sorry Jon. I just fell asleep and didn't hear my phone. I'm fine," she said against his chest.

He pulled her away holding her at arm's length leaning down to look into her eyes. "Are you sure you're okay? You know I worry about you Clary."

Clary smiled for his benefit, "Of course I'm okay Jon, don't worry about me so much. You're going to start getting grey hairs soon if you do," Clary said sticking her tongue out at her brother.

"My hairs so pale like any body would notice," he grumbled rolling his eyes at her.

Clary giggled walking over to the kitchen counter searching for a snack, her thoughts still distracted by the thought of what Jace had said to her brother. Had he told him everything? No. I don't think so if he had Jonathan wouldn't be so calm now.

"So Jon what are you going to be doing today?" Clary asked her brother as she made sandwiches for them both.

He lifted his gaze from the tv sitting up on the couch, "Nothing really, was kind of thinking of going to some party Isabelle told me about. Why what's up?"

"What party did Isabelle tell you about? Because I was invited to one too actually." Clary asked hoping they were talking about the same party so she wouldn't have to go alone.

"She said it's at some guy named Sebastian's house? You know him?" Jon asked suspiciously. Clary shouldn't be talking to guys already god dammit it was just their first day. He groaned at the thought of throwing guys off his sister all year.

"Yeah that's him, well the guy's party I was invited to I mean. And yes I do know him, Jonathan. Why?" Clary said tersely.

"Because Clarissa, you're too young to be talking to guys especially two guys on just your first day," Jonathan growled. Clary's eyes widened at his words. "What do you mean two guys?" Clary demanded loudly, dropping the sandwiches on the living room table standing in front of Jon, hands bawled against her hips.

"You heard me Clary, Jace told me about how you were all over him. And yeah I get it it's okay to have a crush on him and all but Clary please he's my friend now and just try to keep your distance from him when he's around the house okay?" Jonathan said his voice gentle trying not to hurt Clary's feelings.

Clary's eyes blazed with fury, she was angry at Jace for lying. And angry at her damn brother for believing all that bullshit. "That's not true Jonathan! You should know I'm not like that! And by the angel what do you mean when he's around the house?" She yelled, "He's never coming over here!"

Jon looked at Clary calm as always, and sighed. "Clary he's coming over later with Isabelle and Alec. We're all going to the party as a group."

"The hell I'm going with him! I rather go ahead by myself and meet you guys there." Clary said stubbornly sitting on the couch.

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