What's Broken

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Everything was a clouded blur, my eyes stinging with the heavy tears I had held back in the greenhouse. My legs finally gave out beneath me and I stopped running my body sliding down the wall lined with lockers.

I turned half expecting to see Jace behind me, but he wasn't. Of course he wasn't. He was probably with his girlfriend laughing at how stupid and gullible I am, to even believe for a second he wasn't the ass hole everybody knew he was.

His girlfriend.

I cursed myself for even caring if he had one or not. Isabelle had warned me but of course I didn't listen and I fell into his little game.

I checked the time on my cell phone, I had three minutes till my next class. I really don't think I can handle seeing Jace again. I think I should just take the rest of the day off.

I leaned forward and shrugged my back pack strap up my shoulder and started walking down the hallway leading to the main exit. Pushing the door open a gust of wind blew in blowing my hair around my face as I stepped out.

I guess I'll just have to walk home today, I can use the walk and the fresh air anyway. I took a deep breath and started walking toward the sidewalk.

I looked down the street and saw a familiar figure looking straight at me. Sebastian waved me over with a smile on his handsome face. I immediately felt guilty for what I had told him about Jace, when in the end Sebastian was right. I was just happy to see Sebastian wasn't angry with me over it and didn't seem to hold a grudge.

Once I reached him then I realized what he was leaning on. A black shiny car. An expensive black shiny car.

"Where are you heading?" Sebastian said pulling me away from my thoughts. I looked up to see him smiling brightly at me his arms crossed over his chest.

I paused for a second thinking of something to say, "Ah-Well I'm just heading home." I gave him a small smile.

"Want a ride?" he asked in a pleasant, friendly tone.

"No, but thanks anyway. Maybe some other time?" I watched as a look of concern came over his features. "Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Of course I am. Why'd you ask?" My voice wavering as I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Because when girls run out of school buildings in tears it usually means there's something wrong. Can you please tell me what has you upset?" He said looking up at me through his long dark lashes, concern filling his eyes.

I immediately felt myself melt with the genuine concern in his voice, his words coming out so sweet. "I'm fine now. Don't worry about it, it was nothing honestly," I say giving him a small, but real, smile.

His eyes shined with happiness at my answer and his pink lips curved into a beautiful smile. He really was a work of art, I'd love to draw him. While Jace would be all gold and white, I'd draw Sebastian all black with shades of grey with just splashes of pink for his loud ringing of a school bell in the distance snapped me out of my reverie. It was already time for my next class and I realized I should be on my way home already.

I gave Sebastian a final smile, "Well Sebastian it was really nice talking to you again, but I really should already be on my way home. I'll see you on Monday." I give him a small wave and turn to walk down the side-walk and head home. When his hand wrapped around my arm pulling me back.

"Wait Clary. Just let me drive you home please? I don't want you walking around by yourself," his eyes pleading with me and I gave in of course.

"Sure Sebastian thanks," I smiled once again feeling in a way better mood.

He smiled and opened the door for me. I slid in and of course hit my head in the process startled by a yell. I looked up and saw Jace coming out the school building his eyes focused on me, then focusing on Sebastian. His jaw tensed and his eyes narrowed as he walked even faster in our direction.

I quickly got in the car, "Sebastian let's get out of here quickly please." Sebastian nodded quickly and closed my door going around to the driver's side. He climbed and quickly got the car started as I buckled up.

"Wait Red! You can't leave with him! Hold on, please let me explain! Just get out the car please!" Jace pleaded his voice closer. I looked to the back of the car and Jace was making his way to the passenger's side were I sat. His fists slamming against the window.

"Jace just let her be already!" Sebastian yelled and pressed on the gas, the engine roaring to life.

Jace was staring into my eyes, his pleading with me. But no, I won't and can't put myself through any more pain. I wasn't going to let him hurt me anymore. "Open the damn door you bloody prick!" Jace's face was blazing with anger. His voice menacing.

I looked at Jace and gave him a sad smile. "Sebastian, take me home please," I said quietly my voice just above a whisper. Jace locked gazes with me and he mouthed one word, "Please."

"Don't go. Don't leave me please Clary," His voice hoarse. His breathing ragged his golden eyes seemed to lose their beautiful light with each word he spoke. I shook my head and looked away.

It was too late Sebastian's car sped away leaving Jace behind. I looked back once more and Jace's beautiful face was looking toward the floor. His arms slack against his body. And for a second I thought I saw the defeated, broken boy he hid so well.

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