Chapter 52

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"Your dad?" Harley asks, shutting the door on the overwhelmingly empty hallway. Where the hell is everyone?

Caspian nodded, his hopelessness turning into a fiery fury. "I should have known that bastard would be a part of this somehow."

I shake my head, capturing one of his hands in mine. "How would you have known?"

I look up at the hand landing on Caspian's shoulder. Harley gripped him and whispered, "Don't beat yourself up, Cas. We'll take the fucker out if we have to."

Caspian let out a breath, letting his body relax again. "Alright. I just don't understand how my father is so connected to all of this."

Daxon shrugged. "He was the one that made a deal with Demetrius, right?"

Harley and Colt looked confused until Caspian explained the situation to them.

"I'll kill him," Colt declared after Caspian mentioned the origins of the scars on his back.

Daxon smirked. "Aww, how romantic."

Colt opened his mouth before I interrupted him. "Your father traded an item too," I remind him, but that only made Caspian look more confused.


I nodded my head. "Stella told me that in exchange for your powers, your father gave him an item also."

"What kind of item?" Colt looked intrigued at that.

I wrack my brain, trying to remember what Stella told me. "An artifact. It's why he needs me."

"What kind of artifact?" Colt asked, looking excited which was just an eerie look on him.

I thought it over before responding. "Some item from the 1600s when the war on witches and sirens was at its peak."

Harley straightened up. "Wait a minute, say that again."

I furrowed my brows but repeated myself. Harley just stared at me so I blurted, "What?"

He gave me a slow blink before saying. "Are you telling me that he now has the artifact?"

I opened my mouth and closed it before saying, "I guess?"

Colt must have caught on to what Harley was saying because he muttered. "You don't think it's the same guy, do you?"

Harley breathed hard before bringing the palms of his hands to his face and scrubbing. "Who fucking knows at this point, but I wouldn't doubt it."

I look between the two. "Umm, someone care to explain what the hell you two are going on about?"

Colt gave me a bland look. "If you had actually paid attention in Collins' class maybe you would have figured things out sooner."

Daxon hit him in the back of the head with a frown. "Come on, don't blame her for zoning out in a boring lecture."

I still wasn't following. "Okay, would someone like to share some notes because I'm lost?"

Harley sighed before repeating Collins' words, the small memory coming back to me.

"We'll be working on a detectable enchantment. This enchantment was first used by Demetri Antonio in the early 1600s when the war on witches and sirens occurred. A precious artifact from the Hazel Creek coven was taken by a group of sirens living up the northern coast. Demetri created this enchantment to detect the power radiating from the artifact and locate it effectively."

A hand raised in the classroom. "What was the artifact?"

Dr. Collins shrugged. "No one knows. It was highly sought after, but its identity still remains hidden."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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