Three teenage girls Toni, Athena and Harley sneak into their high school for a fun night of tricks and games, everything seemed to be going well until Athena noticed a pair of glowing red eyes concealed inside darkness, starring at them. the girls q...
Both girls sat quietly in the corner of the classroom trying to figure out what to do. For they knew they couldn't stay in the same place for much longer, the creature would surely be looking for them. They ran through ideas in their head, possibly unlocked doors, waiting it out until morning— "the window." Toni spoke. "the what?" Toni turned toward Athena, "the window we used to get it, it should still be open, surely we can make it out from there." Athena sighed, "I don't know, its all the way across school..." Of course Athena had thought about the window they used to get in but it seemed so far away, and with that monster roaming around, would they even make it? They sat in silence for a few more seconds when they heard a growl echoing down the hallway. "its now or never." Toni said with a pleading look, even though you wouldn't of been able to see it in the darkness. Athena looked down expecting to see the dried blood she felt on her hands but only seeing the blackness of the room, taking in a deep sigh, Athena returned Toni's look. "alright, lets go." She said. The girls got up holding to each other's wrist's and swiftly left the room. They took off their shoes leaving only their socks so their footsteps were condensed. They made their way down the staircase and found an unlocked janitors closet. Toni pulled a string hanging from the ceiling that in turn switched on a light. It was a small room, about 7 feet high. There was dust and trash everywhere, old posters barely attached to the wall— Suddenly the metal clatter of a pipe made Athena whip her head around towards Toni, who was now holding a 2 foot long metal pipe. "sorry—" Toni whispered. Athena raised an eyebrow at her friend. "what.. it could be useful." Toni shrugged, admiring her new 'weapon'. Athena shook her head with a small smile, she didn't know if a small metal pipe would help with what they were up against, but if it made Toni happy than it made Athena happy. The girls steadily made their way out of the closet looking to make it to the window. They quietly went down various dark hallways praying that thing wasn't near, taking baby steps along the way and making sure they wouldn't make a sound. Soon enough the girls made it to the window only to find that their plan wasn't going to work out the way they had hoped. They window was closed but something was caught in its latch. A mostly white piece of notebook paper with the same strange symbol Toni found before... but a little different.
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It was covered In blood— Athena wearily walked over and pulled the paper out from under the latch. She dreaded the thought of thinking where the blood had come from, but deep down she knew who it had belonged to— "What is it?" Toni asked, coming up from behind Athena. Athena handed Toni the Paper, "It's the drawing from before." Athena said drearily. She slowly went up to the window taking in the moonlight and grabbed the icy metal latch with her hand and tried to open it. locked. Athena sighed and took in a deep breath trying to keep from crying. "It's locked." Athena remarked, turning back to Toni. Toni looked up, dropping the paper in the process. "What? It can't be." Toni went up to the window and tried opening it herself. It wouldn't budge. She quickly gave up and sat down below the window. Clutching the metal pipe in her hand. "C'mon, we can't stay in the open for much longer, we can think of another way out." Athena concurred, reaching her hand out for Toni. After some moments Toni took her friend's hand and got back onto her feet. Taking one last breath of moonlight the girls left the hallway and found a place to lay low until they stirred up a new plan. "We could break the window..?" Toni suggested "We could, but it would probably make two much noise." Advised Athena, burying her head in her knees. There was a few minutes of silence when an idea popped into Toni's head. "Ooh, I know." Athena brought her head up from her knees, "If we get into the office and find a pass to open the front doors then we might be able to make it out of school without making too much noise." Toni proclaimed, pretty proud of her plan. Athena thought for a moment, could her plan really work? "Well, we've got nothing to lose—" Athena shrugged. "Let's do it." They both got up and made their way to the classroom door, Toni reached for the handle when Athena grabbed her arm. "Wait, I hear something." Athena whispered, focusing on the sound around her. "What are yo—" Toni started, before being pulled down to the ground by Athena, out of view from the small window attached to the door. Athena put her finger to her mouth signaling to be quiet. Both girls sat awkwardly on the floor until foot steps where heard outside the door. Their eyes narrowed, sweat beginning to from. It was the creature. As it passed you could hear its clawed feet scratching against the floor, the dreaded sound of bones cracking and dead skin flaking of its body. The girls quivered, maybe they did make it out, maybe they'd both live, but they'll never forget what happened— they'll never truly recover. Once again the girls waited for long while in silence just to be sure the creature was no longer in close proximity to them. They got up shaking as if they were high on caffeine. They made it to the office with no encounters with the monster face to face but soon after leaving the classroom they heard a loud bang at the end of the school. Desks being smashed into walls, sharp claws angrily scratching the annoyingly encouraging posters hanging on the school walls, screams following after every crash. It wasn't a human scream— More of a scream you'd image a demon would make, which in this case was basically true. It was high pitched, like a bird, being torn apart, or slowly yet brutally dying, making its last sound. It was angry. But why, was it hungry? Did it feed of human corpses, souls even? Or did it just want some fun? was it getting annoyed with these foolish mortal girls? These were like the questions Athena was asking herself, why of all places would that disgusting creature want to come to such an isolated town? "hey?" Toni asked, waving a hand in front of Athenas face. "Earth to Athena." Athena swatted her hand away, unlike the rest of the school the office had big glass windows, at the time it was pretty much the only place in school that had light. Not sunlight, or light that would come of a screen, or some other electrical factor but moonlight. It was beautiful, the moon that is. It was full that night. Toni came up behind Athena who had wandered towards one of the office windows. "hey... are you alright?" Toni worried, placing a hand on her friends shoulder. "yeah, I-I guess I'm just emotional right now" Athena wearily responded a tear rolling down her cheek. "we both are." Toni replied trying to comfort her friend, even though she felt that same pain. "How about we find that key card and get out of here?" Toni said as encouraging as she could playfully punching Athenas arm. She wiped the tears off her face. "alright." Athena said. "Let's do this once and for all." They Started searching around the office looking for a keycard, they knew there had to be one somewhere. They opened drawers, file cabinets, searched in desks, Athena was on the verge of giving up when Toni came to the rescue. "I found one!" Toni yelled. She hurriedly cupped her mouth with her hands quickly realizing her mistake. Both girls' eyes went wide, they heard the same horrifying growl that had been searching through the hallways for hours, IT was coming towards them. Toni ran over to Athena grabbing the metal pipe and giving her the keycard, closing Athena's hands around it "Toni what are you—" Athena stuttered. "I trust you with it more than me." Toni claimed. Athena just nodded and they ran out of the office. They didn't have any more time to open the front door without the creature following. Even if the creature had not heard them and they got the doors open. it wouldn't stay in school forever, they just needed a head start to get help. They sped through the hallways trying to get away from the office, but the problem was they didn't know where the creature was running from. For all they know they could've been running towards it. The girls were panting, still trying to get through the halls, faint footsteps were heard behind them, they were heavy, banging against the ground, seemingly making the whole building shake. And sure enough they were gaining on them. "We need to split up." Toni sputtered, out of breath. "What! No!" Athena whispered trying to keep her voice down . "Have you ever seen a horror movie?!" "I know, I know." Toni went on, "but we need to split up so we won't be as easy to track down, we'll meet back up in the L.A room upstairs in 30 minutes." Athena sighed but agreed. "Alright" she nodded. They met an intersection in the halls and went their separate ways... for now, They each sped down their separate hallways Athena ducked into a classroom and sat silently, feeling around the key card still clutched in her hands. She couldn't hear the creature anymore but prayed it wasn't chasing Toni. After what Athena thought was 30 minutes she left the classroom creeping down the hallways. She didn't hear any screams or ruckus which Athena hoped was a good sign... Toni wasn't so lucky, after they had split the creature followed Toni around school. She hid in a classroom without detection but if she wanted to stay that way she had to hide under a teachers desk in an incredibly uncomfortable position. After an uncomfortable 30 minutes she got up and out of the classroom as quietly as she could. She started down the hall when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She turned around looking down the dark hallway. She couldn't see anything but felt something lurking in the shadows. She started walking away and towards the stairs, her pace quickened with every step. Toni soon started to sprint, and as soon as she did footsteps were heard running after her. She still had the metal pipe in her hand, which sure slowed her down but it could've helped? Right? Toni knew the creature was behind her, she didn't know what to do. Her heart rate was through the roof and her face was warm with salty tears. Athena was coming up the hallway opposite hers with a look of horror plastered on her face. Toni was right the creature was behind her. "Toni!" Athena cried, running as fast as she could towards her friend. "No! Don't, please, you have to get away—" Athena continued running towards Toni but slowed down slightly. The creature was in fact behind Toni but really the only thing you could see was its gleaming red eyes. The creature roared and a black spear zipped past Toni and crashed into a wall behind Athena. Athena looked back towards the spear, great. "Athena, please leave!" Toni yelled, her legs getting weak. Tears were still coming down Athena's face. "No! I can't leave you" The creature was still throwing spears. Eventually one would hit its target. Toni turned around out of breath, facing the monster. She looked down at the pipe in her hand, she knew it couldn't stop it but maybe it could slow it down. With one faithful throw she launched the pipe into the air, it stabbed right through one of the monster's eyes. It howled in pain, an uncontrolled spear flew through the air leaving the creature's dastardly hand. It flew towards Athena, she didn't have much time to think but jumped out of the way, just not soon enough. It clipped Athena's abdomen, blood soaked through her shirt. She looked down at her now bleeding side, she clutched it trying to keep calm. Despite the pain Athena pulled herself to her feet groaning. Toni heard her and flipped around, she reached her hand out in the air towards Athena. "Go" Toni said with a pleading look in her eyes. Athena was about to say something when 'voom' a spear flew out of the darkness. Athena looked in horror as it sailed through the air heading towards Toni, surely she wouldn't have time to move out of the way. And right she was, the spear hit right below Toni's ribs, going straight through her mortal body. Toni gasped and fell to the floor with a 'flop. The creature let out a slow and cunning growl as it made its way to Toni's still and lifeless body. Athena ran to the edge of the corner just in time, covering her mouth, tears falling. She wanted to scream, she wanted to teach that monster some of its own medicine. But she knew she couldn't, she ran, ran as fast as she could away from the monster, trying to escape the pain.