"It was about a year ago. I woke up in hospital and the last thing I remembered was falling over at my sisters wedding. The doctor said that I hit my head to hard and that what caused the memory lose. He told me that I had to take medication that will help it but to be honest I never saw the prescription." I said.
"That should have raised the suspicion from the beginning but everything was so confusing. I remembered being a witch, attending Cackles but when I tried to think of year ten it was all fuzzy. Things were missing or didn't make sense. Knowing now what the contents of the potion is it all makes sense. He wanted rid of any sort of feelings I had for Miss Hardbroom." I said trying to stay professional.
"My information stated that it was the year after you began these feelings. Are you sure the potion is right?" The Great Wizard asked.
"My feelings started long before I realised them. I didn't understand at the time." I said.
"Very well please continue." He said.
"Edmund was kind and nice towards me when we first met. I considered him as one of my best friends. Then he began to get to much. He was always there, wherever I was. He'd make excuses for it. It's like he was watching my every move. When I left the hospital he kept that up but as the weeks went Edmund began to be obsessed. Controlled my movements then told me to cut contacts with my family. But then he was kind again as if nothing happened." I said.
"Has he ever been physical with you?" He asked. I was silent for a moment.
"One day my sister asked that I joined her for lunch. I never told him. I had to tell him who I met with, where I was going with them. Of course he found out. That night he confronted me. I tried to deny it and that's when he struck me for the first time and it certainly wasn't the last. I knew better not to lie to him again." I said.
"Apart from hitting did he do anything else?" His Greatness asked.
"If you are asking if he forced himself on me then the answer is yes he did." I said, Hecate grabbed my hand and squeezed it as they began to trembled. "I was not allowed to have a say. His words were that he owned me so he can do whatever he wanted."
"The worst of it was that no matter what he did the feelings I had made it difficult to leave him. But then my memories started to come back. It must have scared him so he made stronger dosages of the potion." I said.
"I can attest to this. The potion made Miss Evergreen very sick as her body could not handle it as well as the withdrawals she suffered from." Hecate said.
"Ah yes it must have been when the Mists covered Cackles at the start of the year. We had a wedding here in January and the Mists had been here for many weeks your Greatness." Miss Cackle said.
"I see, so during this time you ran out of the potion and things must have been unclear for you." He said.
"Yes, since I was also in the close contact with Miss Hardbroom the memories were clearer and more prominent. It felt more like a dream. I had my suspicions about the potion since I forgot to take it once before. It wasn't long after I asked Miss Hardbroom for help that I realised what had been going on." I said.
"And did you speak about this to anyone." The great Wizard asked.
"No, at first I wanted to confront Edmund but then I decided to continue playing with this act. I wanted to collect evidence because he can manipulate you. Twist everything around and blame it on the victim. Everything went wrong however as he locked me up in my room and put anti magic wards around my it. Kept a close eye on me. There was a few moments everyday however that I was free from his watch, that's when I wrote the letter to Miss Hardbroom. Hoping that she'd come for me." I said.
"Alright I believe the only thing that I have to ask it what has accord during tonight's events that led you back to the Academy." he asked I looked up at Hecate then face the Great Wizard again.
"He said he had a surprise for me and that we were going out. After telling me to get dressed he took me to this fancy building. Entering I could feel the atmosphere and it confused me when I saw all my friends and a few of his family members. When he left to do some business it was my friend that told me what was to happen that night. I ran to the bathroom and escaped out the window. Knowing if I went home was going to be the first place he looked so I went to the theatre were I worked so I can get changed. That's when Miss Hardbroom showed up but he got there before we left. Edmund went mad so I cast a spell to bind him until the proper actions were taken." I said. His Greatness asked me to elaborate about what the events and I obliged in doing so. It wasn't long until I finished my say and he wizard prepared to take the crazier man away.
"I will contact you if there's anything else that needs to be discussed. You are very braved tonight Miss Evergreen and I was you the best on your recovery." he said.
"Thank you." I said and watched him puff away. I turned to Hecate and smiled at her I was so desperate to touch her but had to wait until we had privacy.
"I'm sure you are overwhelmed, how about another cup of tea and some cake before bed yes?" Miss Cackled said and I agreed to her words.
Conversing as we ate I listened to the two woman as I stayed quiet since I didn't have many words to say.
"So Freya have you thought on my offer about teaching at the academy?" The headmistress asked.
"I think right now I want to work on myself to get to a better mental state. The end of this has just started and only time will tell the outcome of it all." I replied.
"Of course my dear." she said. when we finished our tea Hecate and I said our farewells and left the office. A hand went around my waist as the dark haired woman led me through the door, taking my hand in hers as me walked down the corridors. No words were exchanged as we moved and its all that's needed in this moment.
Entering the bed chambers Hecate pulled me in hug then tilted my head, gentle kissed littered my face before she reached my lips. I smiled into the action and moments went by before we pulled apart.
"You looked exhausted." she said.
"It been a very long day." I replied and watched and the teachers moved to her wardrobe and pulled out a nightdress.
"Put this on and we can get some sleep." she said.
"Will you...will you help me?" I asked. The idea scared me as I wasn't ready but this woman in front of me is the only person I trusted. Hecate smiled as she sat me down on the bed and helped me get out of the clothes I was wearing. She didn't say anything when she saw the state of my body. Instead she placed a hand on my should and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on the scar. I held my breath as the tears began to run down my face, a hand cupped my cheek and rubbed them away "It's so warm." I said.
"Welcome home Freya." Hecate said and I smiled as the salty tears came harder.
I Prefer Witches
ФанфикPART 2 Freya is about to start her second year of college. Everything is good and her life is on track. But what is this strange medicine she is made to take. And what are these confusing visions she gets about a certain dark which.