Day 1

30 3 0

Summer Checklist:

1. Sexy body

2. Long hair

3. Get tanned

4. Have a boyfriend

There, that will be it I guess. I fold the paper and place it in between pages of my new Percy Jackson book. I hope Percy won't mind. I started packing my things when I remembered something.

5. Be happy

There you go. It's a must to add that. Crying is the least thing I wanted. Especially if I just recently broke up with my boyfriend or ex rather. Jack is absolutely a jackass. I'm glad I broke up with him just before summer started. I definitely won't go out with him on a beach. Duh! With his body? Oh gosh! I don't want to imagine.

Why did I date him? Peer pressure? Looks? No. It's simply because I hate him stalking me so I date him instead. I know it's a stupid idea but... yeah, it was just plain stupid.

I resumed packing my things. We are going on a vacation on my father's home town in Albay, Bicol. We use to go there every vacation to visit my Grandmother there. She's too old to visit us here in Manila so we are the one's who go there.

Towel, lotion, sunblock, shades, slippers, clothes, camera, what else? Did I forget something? Oh, right. Bikinis. Why did I forget it? I'm in big trouble if forgot it.

"Claire, are you done packing?" Mom called downstairs.

"Yes Mom!" I replied.

I should've packed my things the day before yesterday but my school organization had a late assessment meeting so I only did this today. Jeez, it's a lot of work that expected. I should have told Annie to do this for me yesterday.

"Aren't you ready yet, Claire? Mom told me that we will go now," Steph asks me. She's just peeking at my doorway which makes her cuter that she used to be.

"I'm ready to go now, Steph. Come on," I held her in her little fingers as we head down.

Their things are already in the van, they are also seated inside which makes me feel a little excluded. I just stare at them as Steph ran on my fathers lap and cuddle with him.

"What are you waiting for? Place your things on the back and hop in."

"Ah, yeah."

I quickly put my luggage along with theirs. My seat is on the far left corner on the back. Annie is seated right beside me. My parents are seating in front of us. They are playing with Annie while she is happily bouncing on Dad's lap.

"Dad, are we going to see the Mayon Volcano again?" I heard Steph ask Dad.

"Sorry Steph, but we aren't. We'll be too late home if we do," Mom answered for Dad.

"Oh," Annie and I said in unison. We both anticipated seeing the Mayon Volcano again this year. That's one of our favorite parts in going to the province, of course besides the chance to go on for a free swimming in the beach.

"Don't worry girls. We will get to see it when we go home."

The three of us smiles brightly in Dad's announcements. We sit excitedly on our seats.

Dad told us that the ride will be fourteen hours or so. Annie just sleeps beside me. I open my Percy Jackson book on the page I left my bookmark. I might as well read than to sleep in the whole ride. I missed Percy a lot so I badly need to read his book.

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