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Every simple thing can lead to much greater things. Having a simple crush can lead into falling in love. Studying can lead us in achieving our dreams. We cannot just ignore the simple things because they are just the beginning of much greater things in our life.

"Congratulations, Claire. You look pretty tonight."

"Thanks, Heil. Same to you," I said with a kiss in the cheeks.

"So, do you already have plans?" he asked. He's been annoying me about my job. I don't know why he's dying to know it.

We are in our house for my graduation party. My close friends and relatives (except Grandma) are all here to celebrate with me. It's just a simple celebration. My family cannot afford the grand one.

I lean on him as we seat on the couch. He's my best friend so it's alright to be clingy on him.

"I'm still looking for a nice work place. Something cozy and refreshing. Where there are people that share the same passion that I have. Somewhere I can work freely. No limit, no hassle."

He sips on his drink and said, "Why don't you just build your own studio and work alone? You're an artist. You surely can work alone."

I pouted. "But that would be boring."

"Reasons. Tell me, you want to work with someone else, right?"

"Yep," I answered with a giggle. "In fact, I want to work right next to him."

"You're unbelievable," he retorted.

"I should be." I stand up and fix my dress. "I will just entertain other guest, excuse me. Enjoy yourself."

I was greeted by many congratulations and some gave me presents. I was so grateful that I have been a nice friend and a relative this year.

"Hi, dearest," someone behind me whispered in my ear. His voice is still as soft and calming as it did when we first met. I don't need to look behind to know who he is.

Anyways, I turn around to face him. I miss him. I miss the face of his face. I miss how his eyes look and speak to me. "It's good to see you here. How did you know it, anyway?"

He smiles down at me. His lips scream perfection. The way he open and close it is so perfect I want to kiss him. "You're Mom invited me. And you're Grandma want me to give you this."

He gave me the paper bag he is holding. True enough it has a big present inside. I am sure it is special.

"And where's yours?" I lend my palm out to him. He promised me one painting and I am expecting for it.

"You sure you want me to give you my gift here?" I nodded. He doesn't waste time; he pulls me in the waist and kisses me in the lips. It is a soft and tender kiss. When I started responding, his kiss becomes aggressive and hungry. We stayed like that for I don't know how long.

"Nice gift, Michael. Sweet!" Annie commented causing us to stop. We are still leaning on each other, waiting to regain our strength. "Shy, eh?"

"Shut up, Annie. Don't ruin my moment," I said, finally coming into my right mind again. I release him and stand straight.

"I think you should continue your 'moment' upstairs. Right, Michael?" she elbowed him. He let out a shy smile and I guess Annie is right. We are just too shy to continue our talk here. After what we did? I cannot even look at my guest; though I know what we did is just a normal thing nowadays.

We both head upstairs. I planned on staying on the terrace but he has another plan. He head towards my studio. He gets a canvass, a paint brush and my black paint under the make shift bed in my studio.

"How did you know that my materials are in there?" I asked him. He seems to be so comfortable here though it is his first time here.

"I went here the first time I went to your house," he answered. "Now, sit on that chair and stay still."

"Are you planning to paint me?"

"I'm not planning it, I'm doing it. So sit down so we can get started."

After a few more minutes of silence, he let me see his work. It's perfect. It is not because it is me in the portrait, but because he drew it with perfection. It is as if it is alive, like a 3D image.

"Wow," was the only word I managed to say.

"Now that I made my promise, I suppose it is your time to do yours."

I smiled. "I'm happy that you come up with this plan but you don't need to boss me around. To tell you, I already finished the drawing I promised you 15 years ago."

I went to the corner of my studio near the window and get a rolled canvass I prepared a long time ago.

"Here." He accepts it without any hesitation. When he's about to open it, I stopped him. "Please open it when you're alone."

"What's the point of giving me this if you're embarrassed of it?" he retorted.

I pouted. "I just feel embarrassed with you seeing it. I feel like I am not in your level so my works is in low standards."

He come close to me and looks straight to my eyes, his hands on my cheeks. "You are always in high standards for me. You are the highest standard that I even saw and met in my whole life."


"You doesn't believe me? Do you still doubt on my words?" he asked. "Do you want me to prove it?"

I nod, "Perhaps a kiss?" I teased.

As soon as I said it, he immediately close the gab between us and kiss me torridly.

Once, I dreamt of having a perfect life with him. I really did. Now that my dream do come true, my imaginations are nothing compared to this.I feel like I am in cloud nine. No words can express how I truly feeling right now. I think this summer is the best summer I have. This is my best Summer Getaway.

Summer GetawayWhere stories live. Discover now