Chapter 1: The Dawn of adventure

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I am Eli Hex, and I'd want to introduce myself to you. Elizabeth Laura Isla Hex is my full name.  My family is a prestigious witch family since we originate from an ancient generation witches and because of this I was expected to be the best at what I did, which I managed to accomplish ever since I was old enough to read spell books and pick my wand. But being a part of a powerful family isn't the only reason I wanted to be the greatest version of myself; I also wanted to be the best version of myself so that I may be with my mother. My mum became a member of the finest coven in the world when I was five years old. She was granted a place in the coven when she was a young witch, but she was still having fun and fueling her curiosity about the world around her so she refused their offer. She met my father while on her journey, and they fell in love and had me.

But when my father died, she believed she had lost everything. I expected her to return to me once we outgrown the pain, but instead she continued her path as a powerful witch without me in the picture, attracting the interest of that particular coven again, and she decided to join and leave me. My mother's decision may appear to be selfish, but I choose to understand and support her since she was a good mother and I know she loves me, and leaving me was a difficult decision to make. My father was a regular guy who didn't come from a family of witches. He was a fisherman, and because my mother came from a powerful witch family, I was fortunate enough to inherit the witchy gene that made me do magic and witchy things. However, my father's passion as a fisherman led me to become a sea witch, which I genuinely love because sea and water remind me of a happier time when I had a complete family, which I will always treasure.

Since my mother joined the coven, I've been cared for by my grandparents. My grandparents are the greatest; they brought me the happiness that I wished I had from my parents. Since my mother left, my granny and papa have been the greatest thing that has happened to me. They didn't stop my mother from leaving since they want to take care of me as well. Their excuse was that they didn't have much time to care for their children when they were young because they were too focus to give my mother and her younger brother a comfortable life, and having the opportunity to care for me filled the gap of time they didn't have.

"Eli! Carter's jackalope is here again!" my thoughts were interrupted when granny's voice echoed upstairs which my room is. "Its eating my carrots again!"  Oh, my goodness, Granny guards her garden like a hawk. I dashed out of my room and hurried downstairs. "Good day, Granny. Good day, papa" they greeted me back and I kissed them both in their cheeks before taking a hair tie from a bowl above a old cabinet with some little child graffiti on it which papa considered to be my finest work of art. I went to the backdoor which leads into our vegetables field and there I saw Cubby, Carter's jackalope digging up some carrots.

"No, Cubby not my granny's vegetables!" She stopped digging and glanced at me as soon as she heard my voice. She grinned at me and dashed towards me.

"Eli! Eli! Eli!" She swiftly ran towards me and leaped into my arms, enthusiastically calling out my name.  I caught her in my arms and walked slowly back into the cottage.

"I've told you a hundred times not to eat my granny's vegetables you know already that she's been preparing it for the village's moon festival." I gently stroked her fur and slowly scraping the dirt off in her hind  using my thumb. The moon festival is a traditional event here in New Austin's. Its a night full of chanting and offering and granny's been preparing her field so she can give some vegetables to some less fortunate witch household.

"But, I can't help myself because granny's garden magic is far greater to carter's garden magic, which makes it taste a hundred times better." She said as she guffaw because of my doing. I opened the back door and showed my granny the culprit.

"If you're starving, you should come knocking on my door and ask for nourishment, rather than digging up some veggies in my garden." Said by my granny with her sweet tone and took Cubby from my arms.

"Yes granny I will try my best to not do it again, by the way what's the meal for today?" Granny chuckled because of cubby's question. As a garden witch, she really loves animals and plants and this cottage is filled with bunch of plants, from decorative to medicinal we have everything there is.

"A vegetable stew, of course." granny said and starts to to walk to the kitchen bringing Cubby with her.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom to tidy up the mess I hadn't cleaned up since Cubby's activities in the vegetable field had interrupted me. I rearranged my sea shell collection above my drawer and changed my bed linens and pillowcase  as because they were starting to itch. I saw a picture of mom and dad as a young, wonderful couple under the bed covered in dust, I wiped it off using my sleeves and there I saw it once again, my parents' smiles. Smiles I really missed and wished to see again. They were both stunning and youthful and full of life, I can see clearly how much they love each other just by looking at this dusty old picture in my hand and I'm so lucky to witness it even for a short period of time. The photograph was taken when they officially purchased the beach house in Aerwyna where I used to live and call my home. It was a great house, a classic wooden beach house with huge window pains and a beautiful  porch where I used to play with my dolls made by my precious father. I had a great time there even though my friends were just the sea creatures and some of my father's fisherman friends. After my father died, papa suggested  that the beach house to be sold and that we live in the cottage so that my grandparents could care after us because my mother was too distraught and sad to do anything productive at the time and not capable of taking care of me by herself. My mother, however, refused to agree and that she insisted on keeping the beach house and stay there and I choose that too its the one place I had my best memory of both my parents, so my grandparents decided to stay at the beach house and care for my mother and me but after my mom decided to join the coven my grand parents went back to their cottage because its closer to where my papa works now so as for today we just visit the beach house to clean and and trim off some wild plants. I got up and put the pictures in one of my album and took a quick shower.

As I returned back downstairs, I heard a knock at the front door. My papa stood up and shoved aside the ancient book he was reading at the center table, opening the door to reveal Carter's anxious expression.

"Hi young Benedict." my papa greeted him and Carter greeted him and me. I gave him a nod. Carter Benedict is the grandson of the village chief which one of my papa's friends and therefore we became good friends.

"Cubby is with Granny in the kitchen." I said and motioned him to enter the cottage.

"What?! Don't tell me?" His anxious face become more anxious and I notice his nose and cheeks turns red as if he will explode in any second now. He is thinking that we did something to Cubby and my granny is preparing him for our main course for today. Papa and I chuckled because of his reaction.

"Relax, Carter.  My granny is a vegetarian and granny just took  cubby in the kitchen because that jackalope of yours is hungry that he dug up some carrots in the vegetable field." His expression soften as he realized that his jackalope is fine. He started to laugh with us as he realized how silly  his thought was. As if we could do such thing to him.

"Oh! Carter, what a great timing I just finished cooking the stew you should join us." Cubby jumps off from my Granny's shoulder and came rushing to Carter. Carter and I helped granny prepare the table and  we started to eat the flavorful vegetable stew and went to the yard to practice some spell for Carter because granny is helping him for his garden magic.


Hi minna san!!

hope you like this  chapter and I hope you will continue to support this story and I will upload every two days or when I'm extra productive.

dont forget to like and comment thoughts about this chapter. 

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