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He sat comfortably down on an old bench, his legs in an almost crossed position.

His head looked down and focused on his book, imagining the story he read on his mind.

It was a nice day to read a book; opinion from Cross.

It was Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Oh, how he admired that book so much. He read it so many times by now but still read it as if not bored at it at all.

The monochrome smiled from the line that made him flutter.

"Star crossed lovers of household war

Alike and destined to be no more

With ill-fated love as all they bore

For each were shallow paramour,

Though oceans, seas, and rivers dry,

The brightest stars, they too, will die.

An end to all not true but lie:

Two hearts will hold and time untry.

But in that end, though love is spent

As currency of their intent,

All shall sing a sad lament

But only death will be benevolent."

But the reason is that it's the only book he has, he lives somewhere in a valley near where the villages are. His father worked as a miner meaning he had to move somewhere close to his job.

He wouldn't say he hated the decision, he loved it. It was much quieter and more spacious. Just him and his family.

His house is not far from there too. His family can't afford much, only saved for food.

His father bought him a book for his birthday, the Shakespeare one of course, and he kept it.

He did also received a locket too, it looked expensive but a bit dirty but his father reassured him that a person gave it to him for free while trying to buy the book from the village market.

It's not until his little companion - a purple butterfly flew over on top of the page. Cross flinched a bit as he eyed the flying insect.

"Hey, good to see you again"

Cross chuckled to himself.

He wondered why he was talking to a butterfly, it was silly, to say the least. The monochrome skeleton rolled his eye pinpricks.

He held the butterfly on his boney finger, it flutter its wings and the boy thought it was adorable.

His head looked up to the tall green grass and the sky. Admiring it, he has gotten used to the pretty nature around him. But it was still amusing to the monochrome

The butterfly soon flew out of his finger, it flew around like it's telling Cross to follow them.

The monochrome skeleton stood up and looked at the flying insect. The butterfly soon flew over the north direction.

He ran to follow, maybe it wanted to play? Or maybe those secret things he heard from fairy tales like a butterfly guiding you and you'll find a secret door, spooky.

He ran for like hours but it only took a few seconds.

The insect stopped in an oak tree not too old but it's very big, it rested in a swing.

His father once attached the swing to the tree, it was still intact to this day.

Cross remembers playing it when he was a kid maybe somewhere at an age of a grade-schooler.

Blue ButterFly {Crossmare Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now