Feathers of the Season // ANGST

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Jay made his way through the snow covered path to his village. The cold white puffs of snow fall down from the sky, creating more layers. It was truly a beautiful sight, but not a beautiful outcome. Through the wind howling and the loud sounds of snow crunching, he heard a hoot. It was soft, and sounded pained. Jay goes off-trail and towards the sound.

What could be making that sound? Usually Snowy owls are out, but they're mostly quiet all the time. Jay brushed a snow covered dead bush aside and saw a small owl stuck, it's leg wrapped in a small white string. It was tangled. Jay was a little surprised to see it. He kneeled down and took out a small knife. The owl stared at him intently, Jay started to cut the string tangled on the poor thing's leg.

He was gently rubbing the sharp edge of the string as not to accidentally hurt the bird instead. When it was free, it flew off without looking back. Jay stood up and watched it as it flew away. He lifted up his hat a little bit and smiled. He was a hunter, and usually hunted anything that could be food. However, Jay could not ever take advantage of a bird like that.

He could barely hurt an animal anyway, so he'd prefer to farm and sell the vegetables and fruits he planted. Jay got back on the trail after the owl was out of his sight and he made his way back to the village. It was getting late, and he decided to go to bed, and then he could prepare the food he picked tomorrow.

Jay was awoken by a knock at his door, he got up, ignoring the sleepiness he still had in his system. As soon as the sliding door opened, a young man stood there. A smile on his face and a basket in his hands. The man wore a lovely kimono that was pure white. His eyes were a beautiful blue, it reminded him of the Snowy owl he recused yesterday.

"May I stay with you for a while? I don't really have anywhere to go." The man asked a favor, Jay willingly let the stranger into his home, closing the door behind him. "What brings you to this village?" he asked, sitting down as soon as the visitor sat down. "I was looking for you." He answered. "You saved me yesterday." Jay cracked a wry smile. "Maybe you're being a little dramatic? Did I sell anything to you yesterday or-" "I'm the Snowy Owl." The stranger spoke.

He moved towards Jay and took both of hands in his. "I owe you my life. Thank you." He said with a smile, tears watered at his eyes for some reason. Jay blushed at the touch, and moved closer. "D-...Don't cry, It was nothing really, you needed help and I was happy to help you." He said, laughing nervously. The two share a little hug and for the first time in a long time, Jay felt warm.

He felt inside and out.

The two started spending more time together, in the winter they would go together to gather fruits and veggies that Jay saved from summer, and they would talk all night. They weren't alone.

During the fall, they would pick up leaves and talk for hours. Mostly going outside and spending quality time together. Sometimes they'd even go to the market and buy some snacks to eat in fall.

In the spring, they'd go and pick veggies and fruits from Jay's farm, then go to the market and sell them. They didn't get much, but it was fun to spend time together, as long as they had each other, everything was okay.

In the summer, they both were married, and they'd continue to pick crops to sell to the market.

One day, Jay fell ill and would choke out blood a lot. This had Brian worried and he was desperate to make money to get his husband some medicine. The crops wouldn't be enough. Brian suddenly remembered that he had feathers, feathers that he could use to weave clothes and sell. He remembered seeing a weaver in the house somewhere. Jay said it used to belong to his mother.

So, from that day fourth, Brian would spend his nights weaving clothes and then go to the farm to get crops. After, he would wish his lover farewell and go to the market. After he came back, he'd make dinner and take care of Jay. Brian was desperately hoping that they would make enough money in time. However, as the days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to seasons, they never made enough money.

Brian returned home from the market to see Jay sitting up, blood on his sheets and his eyes blank. "Jay?" He called out to his husband, quickly going to sit next to him. "There you are." Brian's lover spoke, raising his hands weakly and putting them on top of Brian's. "I'm afraid I...I'm not going to make it." He said with a tired expression. Brian looked down and didn't respond, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as Jay broke out the news.

"Wait, I- I can go around and sell more kimonos? I still have time before it's dark-" Jay cut him off with a shake of the head. His hand trailed up Brian's bandaged arms. "You've tired yourself out enough, if you continue, you'll die." Jay sighed, sliding his hand back down to lace it with Brian's. "I'd rather die with you other than be alone-" He said, leaning in closer. His tears now falling.

Jay used up most of his energy to throw himself onto Brian. "I'll love you. Forever." He said softly, wrapping his arms around Brian's neck and closed his eyes. Brian sobbed and hugged him back, "I love you too." He said quietly. They stayed like that for a while until Jay's body went limp and his skin was cold as ice. Brian couldn't leave, he no longer had wing feathers to fly away and his one true love passed.

He truly was alone now.

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