Sometimes // Angst

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TW for past SA and Child Abuse..also this is platonic.

Jay Merrick, a popular boy at the college they all went to. Some boys looked up to him, others admired and flirted with him. Some girls did as well, he was that popular. His entire friend group is, Brian Thomas, Timothy Wright, Alex Kralie, Seth Wilson, Amy Walters, Sarah Reid and Jessica Locke.

A group of wealthy college students who hung out together and bonded through something as stupid as money.

Jay was interested in literature and photography, no matter how out of character it was for him.

Alex liked film, he wanted to be a famous director one day.

Brian was the captain of the football team, though, he never really showed any interest in football.

Tim-? Nobody knew much about Tim. Not even he knew himself.

Seth liked literature and film.

And Sarah, Amy and Jessica were never around much to talk about that they were interested. They were usually away, "studying" together in their dorm room.

The after school activities were the same on that day. Once Brian was finished with football practice, he went to his car to go home, but he spotted Jay. "Hey!" He called out, but the brunette didn't lift his up his head to wave or anything. Jay was charismatic and cocky, he never ignored anyone. This was so off on his part. One of his sleeves were loose, it was almost touching the floor because Jay didn't pull it up.

He'd usually freak out over it getting dirty or something.

Brian backed up from his car and slowly walked over to Jay, who was leaving campus. Probably walking home, but why? He had a car.

What the hell is going on?

Jay was walking normally, but it was like he had been drugged or something. Brian caught up with him and hesitantly touched Jay's shoulder with his hand from behind. The brunette tensed, visibly.

Why-..Why was he so scared?

"Br..Brian, I didn't- notice you." He turned around slightly, he didn't swat Brian's hand off his shoulder, as he usually did when Brian touched his shoulder. "I..shouted for your attention?" Brian cocked his head. "Oh- haha, th..that's right." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"What's wrong?" Brian asks, both of his hands on either of Jay's shoulders now.

The brunette is even more tense now, Brian could feel the vibrations of his heart beat, it was racing. The blonde man took his hands off and Jay calmed down a bit. " okay?" He asks in a concerned tone. "No- I mean, yes...I..need to go." Jay starts walking off, a little faster this time. He still hasn't fixed his sweater. What's wrong with him?

Later that night, Brian contemplated telling Alex or Tim, maybe Seth. He also contemplated going to Jay's house. His housemaid, Samantha was a sweet old woman and she adored Brian. She would let him in, she always knew what was going on with Jay. Most of the time, anyway.

He didn't do anything.

The next day at school, Jay didn't show up. He was never late, and he never missed a single day of school. Jay was sleeping in?

The entire morning, Brian didn't talk. He only thought and thought, and thought.

"You alright?" Tim asks. This time, Amy, Sarah and Jessica was around. "..Yeah." Brian replied after a moment of silence. "You don't look so well." Sarah mentions, "Also, has anyone seen Jay?" "He's sleeping in." Alex replies to her question. "This is his first time doing something like this."

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