CH 12

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Entering the chocolaterie, Ushijima scanned his perimeters only to see Tendou bringing out a fresh batch of chocolates. As it was his off day, Ushijima thought he could pay his high school friend a visit. Tendou was about to turn when he saw Ushijima approaching him as he rested a palm on his chin. "You're radiating the pro-athlete vibes, Wakatoshi-kun." He teased. Ushijima shook his head slightly in amusement and scanned the pretty chocolates placed in the glass display. Lowering down, Ushijima glanced through the chocolates and didn't feel the pout on his face due to concentration.

This reminded Tendou about your visit here a few weeks ago and observed the look on his buddy's face. "Why the long face, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou wondered though he might already have the answer in mind. "I'm not sure what y/n likes." "I knew it." Ushijima realized what he said as his hand made its way to the back of his neck, rubbing it as warmth filled his face and neck. "Lemme help you out." Tendou chuckled, taking out an empty box to fill it with chocolates. The ones he picked has edible flowers and had a girly, dainty vibe on top of how he tied a pink ribbon around the box. "Don't you think it's too much, Tendou?" Ushijima asked, afraid you might take it the wrong way. Clicking his tongue, Tendou wagged his fingers and placed the box in a carrier. "Nuh-uh. I'm sure y/n-chan would love this." He handed the carrier to Ushijima who was ready to pay. However, Ushijima was pushed out of the chocolaterie before he could. "I've yet to pay, Tendou." "Your love life is your payment, Wakatoshi-kun. Go get your gal."

Getting into his car, Ushijima gently placed the carrier on the passenger seat. As he drove off, he recalled the conversation he had with Tendou last night. They had a call and just like he was in high school, Ushijima spoke his mind and feelings. He shared that he feels funny whenever he interacts with you, his stomach churns a little but not in an uncomfortable way. A smirk plastered on Tendou's face, knowing how his pal develops feelings for a person after a few interactions. For instance, how Ushijima expressed he didn't like Hinata during their match in high school (They are good now, don't worry). It was obvious that Ushijima had a little crush on you but he himself wasn't aware nor did he know how to express it. Tendou offered his help and asked Ushijima to come over to his shop if he wanted to "get rid" of the feelings. Little did Ushijima know that his friend was merely adding fuel to the "uncomfortable feeling" and the stomach churning. Furthermore, the words 'Go get your gal' ran around his head while he drove through the highway.

You were at home watching Netflix when your phone buzzed. You glanced at the screen for a moment, wanting to ignore whoever was texting you until the show ends until you realized that it was from Ushijima. Tapping the spacebar to pause the show, you grabbed the device to read that he was asking if you were home. You responded that you were alone at home. What made you flip was that he told you that he was coming over for a while. On that note, you jumped off the seat at your desk to change into better clothes to make yourself look presentable. Why was he coming over? Did Uncle Fuki left something at the National Training Centre again? Thoughts ran through your mind while waiting for Ushijima's arrival. It didn't take that long until the bell rang and you ran down the steps to answer it. There he stood in casual wear as you welcomed him in.

"I apologize for the last minute head's up." Ushijima sat on the couch as you placed a glass of water on the coffee table. "No, it's alright. I was free anyway. Is there something up?" You wondered. It was when Ushijima held out the familiar looking carrier and handed it to you. "I came to check on you." Oh, this was about the time you looked worn out in the selfie you sent to him. "I hope the chocolate makes you feel better." He added on. "Wow... Thanks, Ushijima." You breathed and unboxed the packaging to see the confectionary. "Oh my gosh, it's too pretty! I don't bear to eat them." You pouted at the thought. "You like it? Tendou chose them." "Mhm, I love them. Tendou's the best!" You smiled brightly.

Seeing the happy look on your face made Ushijima's stomach churn as his Adam's apple bobbed. He reached for the glass of water to take a few sips to stay composed. The way your eyes sparkled and how they turn into crescents out of joy was simply endearing. "Here you go." You gave one to him. "Thank you." He gently took the piece of chocolate from you. "I should be the one thanking you. You came all the way to make sure I was doing alright. You're so sweet, Ushijima..." You trailed off shyly. The pro-athlete just stared and blinked at you not knowing that you were flustering too.

"Let's see what's on tv." You diverted your attention and turned on the television. It was a replay of a recent match as your eyes widened in excitement. "Why's my uncle just standing there?" You snorted, finding how weird he looked. Ushijima let out a small smile and observed how you reacted to the team's play. You were so engrossed that you failed to notice that you basically slowly slipped off from the couch to now sitting on the floor munching on the chocolates. Of course, offering them to Ushijima too. "Why's your opposing team so aggressive whenever y'all call for a 'Challenge' ?" Your brows furrowed at the sight of the opposing team talking to the referee after he gave team Japan the point upon reviewing the 'Challenge'.

You noticed that the camera panned mostly on Ushijima during time-outs or when they switch courts after each set. He was no doubt a star player. "Woah! You had three aces in a row?!" You were astounded by his serves as this was one of the matches that you failed to tune in due to school's work load. "Yeah." He hummed, distracted by your reactions. "You're gonna beat that record one day." You turned to smile at him. Ushijima's pupils dilated hearing those words coming from you along with that toothy smile on your face. Sitting up, he nodded and tried to stay composed. However, that was when he noticed your hair falling to the sides of your face.

Without a second thought, Ushijima reached out to ticked them behind an ear as your breath hitched with a pounding heart. He noticed the change of your breathing and immediately pulled back. "Sorry. The chocolate might stain your hair so I thought of tidying it. I should have asked permission to avoid making you uneasy." He apologized, afraid that he might have scared you. "No, it's alright. I know you wouldn't hurt me." You shook your head. As you spoke, you noticed Ushijima fiddling with his fingers as if it was telling you he was guilty. Reaching for his hands, you placed a hand on top of them as he angled his eyes at you. "It's okay." You whispered assuringly. The pad of your thumb stroked his knuckles, "You're so sweet, Ushijima." You whispered. Ushijima wasn't one who grew up with physical affection from his family especially his mother. He didn't know he was touch-starved until today. He didn't want you to let go. Why? That's because he enjoys the bubbling warmth in his chest that he was experiencing right now.

𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 (𝘜𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now