Chapter Ninteen

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Y/ns pov.

I have been hanging out with Maria the whole day, but i have hip hop so i gotta leave. Mom dropped me off at the dance studio. I went in and said hi to everyone. I changed into this...

Me and the kids walked in the dance class

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Me and the kids walked in the dance class. "hello kids" mr. Jelso says "hi" everyone yells. "ready to do some fun shit" he says "hell yeah" we yell and then our 2 hour lesson starts. We learned some new moves and started learning a choreo.
It went by really fast. When i was about to leave Kleo ran up to me. "hi" she said "hey" i turn to face her "can i get your number? I wanna be friends" she says "yeah ofc" i say and type my number in her phone. "thank you" she mumbles "oh no problem at all, see you soon" i say "bye" i walk away.
My mom is already waiting for me outside. I get in her car and Maria is there. "hi sweetie, maria is gonna stay the night and like... I think you should invite all of your friends and have a big sleepover" mom tells me "i mean alright" i say and buckle up. I make a group chat with Kleo, Lia, David, Maria, Mellisa and me in it. And text them.


Me:Hey yall

Lia:hai gurl




Me:So like wanna have a
sleepover at my hause?
All of us?

Kleo:hell yeah i do

David:yes i just gotta ask
             my mom🙄

Mellisa:yeah duhh

Maria: cant wait

Lia: is that even a question?

David:my mom said i could go


Mellisa:i don't need to ask lol

Kleo:i can come aswell

Me:okay, so ill see you at 5pm?


Mellisa:How do we get there?

Kleo:i don't even know where
            you live😅

Me:okay i will leave my hause at 5, go to Lias hause, than davids, than Mellisas, than Kleos, just give me ur adress.

David:Bager street 134

Mellisa:ill be at the Park near the

Kleo: ball street 64,third hause    
             to the left.

Me:okay, my mom will prob pick yall

Lia:okie see ya soon, mwah😽

Mellisa:love you, c you soon

Kleo:bye, see yah🍆



I turn off my phone and smile. "well whos coming?" mom asks "all of them, Lia, Mellisa, Kleo, David and yeah" i say "this is gonna be amazing" she says "ikr" i say and we get home.
I walk inside. "heres some money, you and Maria can run to the shop" mom says handing me 50 dollars "mom, that is way too much" i say pushing her hand away "trust me, its nothing you know i make alot of money" she says "yeah but still-" i get cut off "just take it" she says showing the money in my hand and running away. I chase after her and quickly catch up "you're slow as a potato, now take your money back, we have food at home" i say and put the 50 dollar bill in moms face "I'm not taking it and im sorry i can not run, my boobs are all over the place" she says sarcasticly and i laugh "c'mon just go get some stuff" she says, i let go off her, just to pull her in a hug again "thank you" i say "your welcome" she says "well Maria lets go" i say as i turn around. We walk out the hause and to the shop we have near our hause. We buy a bunch of snacks and go back home. I hand mom the change. "keep it" she says "no" i say "yes" she says "why do you keep doing this i literaly don't desrve this money" i say "stop complaining and take the damn money, it's not even that much" she says, she takes the money from my hand and puts it in my pocket. "thank you mom, for everything" i say and hug her. I put the bag of snacks on the counter and Maria takes them out. I run up to my room and change into this...

(don't ask about the crocs) It is almost 5 so i tell mom we should start picking them up

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(don't ask about the crocs)
It is almost 5 so i tell mom we should start picking them up...

ADOPTED BY BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now