Chapter Twenty

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Y/ns pov.

Were driving to Lias hause to pick her up so i give her a call. She picks up.


Me:hey, im going to your hause rn,
you ready?

Lia: yup, just grabin some stuff

Me:alright, see you soon

(when there are calls and texts im prob gonna write it like this)

I call up all my friends and tell them to be ready by whatever time.

We pick all of them up, we were kinda squished, like i was almost sitting on Mellisas lap. Maria got the front seat cuz shes a queen duhh. But anyways when we got to my hause all of them ran inside. "dude, this place is so cool" David says jumping on the couch "even the dog is fancy" kleo says playing with shark. "yo, this place is giving me big dick energy" mellisa says "you match my vibe" mom says laughing. "show them your room" lia says "okay" i say and lead them up to my room. "you have an xbox?" mellisa asks surprised "your living my dream life" david says "bro your bed is so comfy" kleo says rolling on my bed. "do yall wanna film a tik tok?" i ask "yeah" all of them anwser. I take out my phone and we film the dance to 'woman' by doja cat.
I post it and it gets 1000 of views in a few minutes. "we should go in your backyard" Mellisa suggests "yeah sure" i say and we go outside to check out the backyard. "who wants to play tag?" Kleo yells "me!" everybody yells and we start playing tag. We played for about an hour until we got tired. We layed down and looked at the sky. "i have found the best friend group ever" i say and everyone agrees. We shared some life stories and it was getting pretty late so we headed inside. "guys wanna watch a movie?" mom asks "hell yeah" we yell "find yourself a spot me and y/n are gonna get snacks" mom says and everyone agrees. Mom and i go to the kitchen "I'm sorry if were messing up the hause" i say "no, it's alright, as long as you're having fun" mom says and i nod. We get a bunch of snacks. We walk back and mom sits on the couch and i sit on her lap, cuz there was no more space. "so what movie?" mom asks "hmm... Probably horror" mellisa says "seggs" kleo suggests "sounds good to me" mellisa says "I'm down" david says "dude yall are kids, but i have the perfect movie, horror and seggs" mom says and puts it on. We watch and when a seggs scene comes on i hide my face in moms neck "what?" she asks "not good, not good" i say "what does that mean" she asks "i don't like it" i say "c'mon its normal" she says and i start crying "my dad almost did that to me" i say "fuck, y/n it's alright, you're okay" mom says trying to calm me down. Nobody heard us cuz the movie was pretty loud. "baby, i'm so sorry, i should have known" mom says "it's okay, it's all gonna be just fine" mom kept repeating these words till i calmed down. Im pretty sure everyone was paying attention to the movie and didn't see us. We just kept on watching and mom warned me everytime. When the movie finnished Maria was asleep, so i carried her to my bed and let her sleep. "wanna play hide n seek?" david asks "yeah" everyone agrees "y/n is seeking cuz she lives here" kleo says "fine" i say and start counting. When i counted to 50 i started searching. First i found Kleo, she was under a table. Then i got Mellisa, she was in a closet and than i found david who was under a bed. Lastly i found lia who was behind a big plant. "aye kiddos i wanna play too" mom days running down the stairs. "then you're seeking" i say "ugh, fine" she says. We play for another 2 hours till it was now 12pm. We decided to do a runway with my clothes. My mom was the judge. David ended up winning, but i was second so it's fine...

ADOPTED BY BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now