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After Amy and Molly finished getting ready Molly decided to leave and then meet up with Amy later at the restaurant. Molly gave Amy the instructions to the restaurant so now Amy was just waiting on Richard to pick her up.

She was feeling nervous. I mean who wouldn't. You could've of gone on so many dates with a guy, but no matter how many times there was still that little pit in your stomach.

Finally around seven he came. He knocked on the door and Amy made sure she had everything she needed and wasn't forgetting anything. She pulled her dress down a bit and fixed her curled hair up. She took a deep breath and opened up her apartment door. Richard stood on the other end with flowers in his hands and smiled sweetly at her.

"Hi." He said extending the "I".

Amy chuckled softly and smiled.

"Hi. Oh my god. Thank you. They're beautiful." She answered as he extending his arm giving her the flowers.

"Ima go put these in water really quick." Amy said running back to her kitchen and putting the flowers in a small vase she had laying around.

She filled it up with sink water and ran back to Richard.

"Are you ready?" He asked smiling.

Amy smiled back at him and nodded.


Amy locked her door and Richard and her started walking over to his car. Don't think it was a big fancy sports car or anything. No, it was just a small simple nice car. Amy liked it how he wasn't one of those rich, greedy guys that just care about sport cars and logos. No he was the complete opposite of that. He wore and liked whatever he truly liked. He wasn't a follower like most people in this city.

They got in the car and Amy gave him the instructions to start driving there. Amy has actually never been to this restaurant before, but Molly explained it was a sorta classy and club liked theme. Whatever that meant.

Have way through the drive Molly texted Amy saying they were there already and got a table waiting for them. Amy texted back saying they were on they're way.

Finally after a few minutes they arrived. They both got out and walked next to each other to the entrance. Amy sorta knows now how Molly was explaining the restaurant. Sure it was a bit classy, but at the same time it was club like theme. You can order shots and dance on the dance floor or you can order a big red lobster and sit down at a booth. It was nice Amy thought.

Amy immediately spotted Molly and began walking to her with Richard following her behind. Molly stood up as well as her boyfriend along side with her.

"Oh my god you came." Molly said supposedly acting surprise and hugging Amy.

Amy went along with it and smiled.

"I told you I would."

They let go of each other and both of them looked at each others date.

"Amy this is Victor, but I always call him Vic and Vic this is Amy, the girl I was telling you about."

Vic looked Amy up and down and admired her. He wasn't going to lie he thought, Amy was beautiful, but he wasn't gonna try to get with her even though she was cute he thought.

Vic extended his hand out for Amy to shake which she gladly shook giving him a big smile.

Vic also gave her a big smile and they both noticed what beautiful smiles they both had.

Amy looked back at Richard and then Molly.

"Oh and this is Molly. Molly, Richard." Amy said introducing them.

Molly extending her hand first and Richard politely shook it. They then all looked around at each other and Molly was the first to talk.

"Well okay, let's all sit down shall we."

Everyone nodded and all walked to the booth where Molly and Vic we're sitting at a few minutes ago.

Vic went in first and then Molly sat next to him in the aisle. Amy also went in first and Richard sat in the aisle so Amy was facing Vic and Richard was facing Molly. Everyone looked around at each other again and Molly again broke the silence first .

"Well let's order. Let's eat." She said excitedly.

She put her hand up motioning for a waiter to walk towards them and take their order.

A waitress did and walked up to them with a pencil and notepad.

"How may I help you?" The waiter asked politely.

Everyone looked at the menu and Amy thought it was a little stupid how Molly asked the waitress to come when they weren't even sure what they were gonna order yet, but she kept her mouth shut. Instead she looked through the menu and decided on getting just a chicken sandwich with a salad on the side.

"And your drink." The waitress asked.

"Just water please." Amy answered back.

Molly ordered just a salad, Richard ordered a steak, and Vic ordered a steak as well. Molly got water as well, Richard got coke, and Vic got orange soda.

The waitress left and everybody looked at each other again. Amy looked at Vic and noticed he had amazing brown eyes with a mustache and a stubble. He also had a really nice smile. Molly did good Amy thought. Even though she didn't really see Molly going for those type of guys, she thought he was cute.

Molly usually went for ugly fuck bois. No offense Amy thought in her head.

Vic looked at Amy as well and Amy immediately looked away. Hopefully didn't get caught staring she thought. Vic did notice Amy staring at him and he smiled to himself.

He also then admired her and noticed she had big brown eyes with cute plump lips and a cute little nose. She was cute he thought.

"So how are you guys ?" Molly asked looking in between Richard and Amy.

Amy and Richard exchanged looks and smiled at each other while looking back at Molly.

"Good." They both answered.

"How are you guys?" Amy then asked looking between Molly and Vic.

They also both looked at each other and nodded.

"Good." They answered back.

"That's good." Amy muttered.

Amy nodded already knowing this double date was be very awkward and a quiet one.

Maybe she should of just stayed home and watched American Horror Story.

Chapters 4 is up. She finally met Vic and noticed how cute he is. Awe awe. Anyways please comment and vote. Thank youuuu.

Unexpected // Vic MensaWhere stories live. Discover now