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Amy widened her eyes at Vic and Vic did the same back.

"What are you doing here?" Vic asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Amy replied.

Vic didn't answer and just stared at her.

"Where the hell is Richard?" Amy asked after Vic didn't respond.

Vic was about to say something when suddenly Richard appeared right next to him.

Amy relaxed a little and smiled at him. Amy thought that Vic might have done something to Richard.

Amy pushed Vic out of the way and hugged Richard. Vic rolled his eyes and took a deep breath while stepping back in the living room.

"I missed you after dinner. Where'd you go?" Richard asked Amy after they pulled away.

"Umm Vic brought me home." Amy said while shutting the door and stepping a bit into Richards house.

Richard looked back at Vic standing in his living room and gave him a glare while Vic did the same back.

"But hey nothing happened. He just dropped me off." Amy added, feeling the tension in the room.

Richard looked back at her and gave a fake smile back to Amy.

Amy sighed knowing that, that smile was all indeed a fake one. Amy looked back at Vic and finally decided to ask what's going on.

"What are you doing here?" Amy asked Vic while walking closer to him.

"Same reason why you're here." Vic responded.

Amy studied Vic and knew that he exactly knew why she was here. Amy looked Vic up and down and rolled her eyes while turning back around to look at Richard.

"What happened after we left?" Vic suddenly asked making Amy look down at her feet.

She looked back up and saw Richard studying them both.

"You don't actually think I did something do you?" Richard asked back, looking at Amy.

Amy didn't know what to say so she just stood there.

"Amy I like you. A lot. I would never cheat on you." Richard said softly while walking closer to Amy.

Amy looked down at the floor but only to have her chin lifted up again by Richard.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Richard asked and Amy widened her eyes.

Sure they were already sorta going out but this was the official thing.

"Um." Amy stuttered.

Richard still looked at her while holding her hands,waiting for her response.

Vic saw this and hoped that Amy said no. She didn't actually believe Richard did she Vic thought? When Molly came home Vic headed over to her house and she was limping. Vic asked her why she was limping and she simply responded saying she fell and hurt her knees. Vic didn't believe her but didn't say anything to her after.

Richard still waited for Amy's response and finally she nodded while breaking into a smile.

Richard pulled Amy into a big embrace and she instantly hugged him back while giggling.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Vic asked out of no where, startling them both.

They both pulled away from each other and looked at Vic.

"You don't actually believe him do you?" Vic asked with complete anger and confusion on his face.

Amy didn't say anything but just stare at him. Amy didn't know what to say to Vic. Did he actually think they were gonna get to together or something? Sure they had a little moment but they were both tipsy. They only danced together to make Richard and Molly jealous and now that Richard and Amy are official, everything fine. Everything's good.

Vic waited for her response but when she didn't say anything, he shook his head. He started to walk and bumped into Richard's shoulder on his way out. He slammed the door which made Amy jump a bit and stare at the floor.

"What's his problem?" Richard asked looking back at the closed door.

"I don't know."

"I think he likes you."

Amy looked up at Richard and shook her head.

"Oh my god no."

"What why not? He's clearly mad that I asked you out."

"Is that why you asked me out? To make him mad?"

"What no. That's ridiculous."


"Oh my god. You're made at me already? We're already having our first fight." Richard replied laughing a bit.

Amy shook her head and kissed Richard hard.

"I'm not mad. I'm happy." Amy replied after pulling away from him just to kiss him again.

Richard smiled half way through the kiss making Amy smile as well. They deepened the kiss and Richard slowly fell back on the couch making Amy fall on top of him. Richard slowly lifted up Amy's shirt making Amy pull back.

"We're not having sex." Amy replied laughing while getting off him.

Richard groaned and chuckled a bit too.

"Why not?"

"Because!" Amy replied.

"Come here then." Richard said while extending his arms out for her.

Amy smiled and slowly fall onto him while they laid there on the couch,wrapped in each others arms.

It's short I'm sorry. But Amy and Richard are finally going out!!!! Vic doesn't seem to happy about it though. So what do you guys think? Did something happen between Richard and Molly or is he telling the truth. Mmmmm. Anyways please comment and vote I know I haven't been updated recently but school started and it's been stressful. I love you all tho!!!!

Unexpected // Vic MensaWhere stories live. Discover now