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After an hour or so later and them getting through their very quiet meal, Molly decided to order shots. She ordered four and passed one to everybody, including herself.

"To a prefect night." Molly said raising up her glass.

"Yay." Amy said sarcastically also raising up her glass.

Vic chuckled a bit and Molly shot Amy a look.

I mean Amy wasn't gonna lie. This night was not perfect. It was boring and so quiet. Nobody really had anything to say expect for "Is the food good?" so Amy wasn't gonna sugar code it or anything.

She was having a shitty night.

She'd have more fun watching AHS at home than being here she thought.

Richard and Vic also raised up their glasses and everybody clinked their glasses with one another. Everyone swallowed the shot with their head tilted back and gave a sour face after. They slammed the glass down back on the table and Molly ordered the waitress again.

"Another four shots please."

The waitress nodded and left.

"Another one?" Amy asked Molly.

"Yeah. Come on, loosen up. Let's have a little fun." Molly answered already getting bubbly.

The four shots came again and they all did the same routine tilting their head back and swallowing it all down in one whole.

"Four more please." Molly asked again and started to giggle a bit.

"No I can't go for another one." Amy said.

She didn't feel like getting drunk tonight and having a terrible hang over the next day at work.

"Please just one more." Molly begged already handing the shot to Amy.

Amy gave in and grabbed the shot from her.

"Fine." Amy muttered.

She drowned the shot and it burned her throat again for the third time. She smacked the glass back down on the table and shook her head.

She already felt a little tipsy, but not to the point where she didn't know what was going on. She still had control over herself.

"Four more." Molly screamed and everybody in the restaurant looked at her, but she didn't care all she wanted was another shot.

Four more shots came again and Molly was about to hand Amy one when she shook her head and pushed Molly's hand away.

"No I said that was the last one." Amy said.

Molly gave her puppy dog eyes and Amy rolled her eyes.

Molly didn't actually think that was gonna work on Amy did she. Molly just looked like a stupid brat.

God why are you being so mean, Amy thought in her head.

Amy shook her head at her and Molly shrugged her shoulders, it not fazing her at all.

Molly was gonna hand Vic one when he also shook his head.

"No I'm good." He said.

"Really you too?" She asked him.

Molly rolled her eyes and and looked back at Richard.

"Fine more for us." She said and handed Richard two shots and two shots for herself.

Amy was a little scared about how much Richard was drinking because she didn't know how she was gonna get home. Richard drove a stick car, not automatic and Amy didn't know how to drive stick.

Richard and Molly downed the both drinks each and smiled at each other.

"Whoo let's go dance." Molly said standing up and pulling Vic's hand trying to make him stand up.

"No ma. I don't feel like dancing." He said getting away from Molly grip.

Richard then looked at Amy also wanting to dance, but Amy shook her head as well.

"I'm not in the dancing mood right now." Amy answered feeling bad for saying no to him.

Molly looked at Richard and raised her eyebrows.

"You wanna dance with me?" She asked him.

Richard looked at Amy as if asking permission if he could and Amy shook her head.

"Go ahead."

Richard smiled at Amy and Molly then pulled Richard's hand to the dance floor.

Amy did feel a bit jealous I guess you can say with Richard and Molly dancing together, but Richard and her weren't even together. She can't get mad she thought. They weren't even official.

Amy stared at Richard and Molly dancing together, watching their every move when a voice startled her.

"It doesn't bother you that they're dancing together?" Vic asked Amy completely scaring her.

Amy jumped a bit and looked at Vic. She completely forgot he was there because she was so focused on Richard and Molly.

Vic chuckled a bit to how Amy jumped and looked down at the table for a quick second before looking back up at her.

"Doesn't it bother you?" Amy asked him back seeing as he should care because that was his girlfriend dancing with another man.

Vic shrugged his shoulders not really knowing what to say. I mean sure he liked Molly, but he was sorta glad she left to go dance with Richard so him and Amy could spend time together.

Amy rolled her eyes at him seeing as how it didn't even faze him, not even a little bit.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes backwards they're gonna get stuck like that."

Amy was about to roll her eyes again when she realized what she was about to do.

Vic saw that she was about to roll her eyes again and laughed.

"You see." He asked, but more like a rhetorical question.

Amy chuckled and smiled at him.

"Shut up."

"Make me baby girl."

I really like this chapter I hope you guys do too. Please comment and vote. Feedback is always amazing.

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