Debts - Cho Sang-Woo x Wounded!Reader

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"So let me hear this again..." You are greeted with a punch to the gut. " don't have my money.." Another punch. A groan escapes your lips.

"..And you still have the nerve to ask me for more?!" One last punch, but this time it's your jaw that meets the end of Deok-Su's fist. You spit out blood, since there is no way you would swallow it.

"I'll...I'll pay week..." You breathe out. Gasping for air at each chance you get. Your entire body ached as your hands were tied to a rope that was connected to the ceiling. If anything, you could be mistaken for a punching bag.

"You!? Pay me next week?!" Deok-Su roars in laughter. Your body ached as you watched the rugged man circle you as though you were prey and he was the predator.

The room you were in was small, the walks were peeling. No windows, but just a dangling light swinging uncomfortably in the centre of the room. Your clothes were covered in dirt and dried blood. A whistle enters your ears. Two men enter the room.

"Escort Y/n out, I believe my message was loud and clear."

Deok-Su's men untie you causing you to collapse from the weakness in your body. Before you can do anything. Harsh grabs around your arms from the two men drag you out of the room and into a black SUV.


A moment later, you are thrown out of the vehicle and the sound of skidding tracks is the last thing you hear before you are left with silence.

You take a glance around you and immediately recognise the alley. It was from where you were 'taken' from. Crawling to the side of a large dumpster, you lean your less painful side against it, groaning as you do so.

You should have never borrowed money from Deok-Su for a building you had to pay for. Yes, that's right, but it's not just any building. It's for a good cause. You started a shelter for kids who had no home or families that had nowhere else to go.

You don't regret your decision, but you regret borrowing from Deuk-Su. The bank would have been better but they need collateral. In what world would they need that? You had no job and lived in the shelter you currently run. Wealth wasn't a familiar term to you.

The alley you were in was where many homeless people came to make a home. It was a wonder why though. Perhaps it was the fact that they new you could help them find a better home, and his alley was the best way to find you. Then again you might be wrong.

"Excuse me, do you need help?" A smooth voice enters your ears. You look up and your attention is dragged to a person with short black hair. Glasses adorned his face. Probably prescription. Or not.

You don't answer him. Cautious with who this man was. Even if he is handsome or the fact that his soft facial expression made you feel like you could trust him. You kept your distance.

He reached a hand towards you. Instinctively, you crawl backwards as much as you can, ignoring the stinging pain that filled your body upon doing so.

"I won't hurt you...are you hungry?" He asks nervously, hoping you will at least respond to him. Sadly you don't. You now notice that he has a paper bag in his hand and holds it out to you. You shake your head stiffly. Food is the last thing on your mind. What you needed was to get to the shelter and fix up your wounds. Since a doctor is unnecessarily expensive.

"I'm Sang-Woo and you are..?" The man named Sang-Woo trails off. No answer. He sighs at your lack of response.

You attempt to stand up but your body caves. Before you hit the ground Sang-Woo catches you. Preventing your fall. You hum gratefully.

"Here let me help," He places your arm around his shoulder helping you walk. Once you're out of the dark alley, you both are illuminated with light. Sang-Woo stares at your face speechless for a moment. His eyes trail down your face and his eyes widen at your torn clothing, more specifically the leaking wounds on your arms and neck. He can only imagine what other horrible wounds you have hidden.

Without realising, Sang-Woo's mind fills with anger. Not at you, but the person who did this to you. What sort of vindictive person would harm someone like you. It's not his business but he wants to make it his business.

Of course he has his own problems to worry about, but right now you needed his attention.

"Y/n..." You mumble out, breathing out softly. Sang-Woo tilts his head in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"

" It's..Y/n," You say slowly, grimacing at every step you attempt to take with the help of the handsome stranger beside you.

"Well Y/n, I'll take you to the hospital and then you should report whoever did this to you," He purses his lips. You chuckle at this.

"No, I'm fine," You take your hand off from around his shoulder. Regretting it right after as you stumble, trying to gain balance. Sang-Woo reaches out to help you but you wave your hand, rejecting his help.

He'll just make things worse.

You hold your arms gently around your abdomen, hoping it stops the throbbing pain. Strangers pass you not giving you a second glance, which you're more than happy that they do so.

However, a pair of dark eyes doesn't stray from you. Watching you pretend to be alright. Anyone could tell you needed help, but they had their own problems to worry about. Sang-Woo didn't care.

You were about to fall again for maybe the hundredth time but a pair of strong arms caught you.

"We are going to a hospital, and I'm going to assist you," You were mildly shocked by his statement. Clearly there was no room for negotiation.

"Alright, but..thats it...nothing else," You force out, Sang-Woo raised his hand for a taxi and a car stops infront of you both. The black eyed stranger helps you inside, hopping in beside you.

Sang-Woo doesn't ask why you don't want to report this. Seen as you need a doctor rather than a policeman at this moment. You have your reasons.

He grabs out a card with three shapes.

Square. Triangle. Circle.

In a few hours Sang-Woo was meant to meet someone at a specific location, to aid him in paying off his debt. He didn't expect to see you huddled in the alley, almost at the brink of death. Normally he wouldn't care if some homeless person or anyone who was in such a situation. He had his own problems to think about.

But when he laid his eyes on you. Something clicked. He had to help you. One question filled his mind.

How far was he willing to help you?

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